• Robert Phillips

    Hello all. This topic is way outside my wheelhouse, food for more than thought, so I’m glad to be here tonight to feed the empty space between my ears.

  • Robert Phillips

    Hello all. This topic is way outside my wheelhouse, food for more than thought, so I’m glad to be here tonight to feed the empty space between my ears.

    • no empty space around you Bob :)

      great to see you — as always

    • Anonymous

      Hey, Bob, so great to see you. And I owe you an email! 

      No empty space between your good ears.

      Email coming tomorrow:  promise! 

  • Domino

    Hey all

    Thanks Vikki and thanks A3N

    • hey domino – thanks for stopping

      much appreciated

      • Domino


        in and out trying to get my house ready for Christmas..

    • Anonymous

      howdy, Domino, good to see you, as always.

      • Domino

        you too, Kay

  • MK

    Thanks so very much for this excellent interview.  I saw it earlier this week and have tweeted and shared it with many.  Hope everyone is well and I wish you all a happy holiday season.  I have to run because I am swamped with work… Peace to you all.

    • Anonymous

      Peace, blessings, love to you, MK.

    • Peace love and so much gratitude to you MK!

      thanks for being here

    •  Wow, thanks for sharing and tweeting the interview! And thank you for all that you do to raze these walls.

  • Anonymous

    Saw this over at the GOS last night and recommended it there. Great stuff.

    • Anonymous

      Great to see you, indie, my fierce warrior pal.

      • Anonymous

        KAY, hey, how are you?

        I have some more big news than even what I shared the other day! @maddowblog retweeted something I wrote today about OWS and race issues!! Nearly fainted.

        • Anonymous

          Well, she’s smart and picked a great piece to tweet!  Congrats, pal.  Lovely.

    • hey indie — great to see you..

      Maybe link up CMP readers to your new post at your new digs ??? :)

      • Anonymous

        Which one? Haha.

        I got this up at Huffpo (sorry, in advance that it is Huffpo, because, ew): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scottie-thomaston/an-invisible-minority_b_1146199.html

        And this up at Angry Black Lady, and it was tweeted by Maddow: http://www.angryblacklady.com/2011/12/14/ows-the-99-is-more-fractured-than-we-would-care-to-admit/

        Am really happy with both of them! And about all the new places I’m writing!

        • Anonymous

          indie/Scottie, this is some great stuff. 

          Allow me to quote from your Angry Black Lady piece – http://www.angryblacklady.com/2011/12/14/ows-the-99-is-more-fractured-than-we-would-care-to-admit/ –  prefacing the quote with a huge AMEN!

          Scottie Thomaston/ake indiemcemopants on OWS:

          How can we discuss “income inequality” but not racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia or transphobia?

          A friend of mine once argued with someone about issues facing people
          who are both black and gay, and he was told that “gay trumps race any
          day.” It sometimes feels that this type of thinking goes on in this
          country, and that it’s going on in OWS, even as they are trying to fight
          some of the problems facing both gay and black people, and those who
          live in both of those worlds. It feels like people think “class trumps
          race/gender/homophobia/transphobia.” It doesn’t. It’s impossible to take
          on those things one-by-one, just separating each out in a clean and
          accessible way.

          There is a depth to the problems in this country that many are
          missing – and this is happening among our liberal and progressive

          • Amen to Intersectionality


          • Ah yes…amen to that!

            indiemcemopants: thanks for recommending the interview! Will check out your links tomorrow when my attention is not split in several different directions. (In trying to help my daughter puzzle out her homework, I am time traveling back to 6th grade math while also trying to do a book review and another article about prisons)

          • thank you Vikki!

            love this piece!

            good luck with homework

          • Anonymous

            Thanks so much Vikki, it is an important piece, especially with the news today. I was glad to have seen it over there, and it’s unfortunate that kind of stuff isn’t more widely read there. The nature of political blogs I guess.

            And thank you for saying you will read my stuff. I have been trying to get it out there for ages :)

          • Just read your two pieces. Holy cow. Wow…Thank you so much for them.

          • Anonymous

            Thanks so much Vikki, it is an important piece, especially with the news today. I was glad to have seen it over there, and it’s unfortunate that kind of stuff isn’t more widely read there. The nature of political blogs I guess.

            And thank you for saying you will read my stuff. I have been trying to get it out there for ages :)

          • Anonymous

            Good thoughts on the homework front and juggling other responsibilities.

            Please give best wishes  to your daughter.

          • Anonymous

            It is getting some mild pushback, which was expected. On Twitter I was oddly told that I want OWS to be just like the Nazis (because I guess they were antiracist and pro lgbt?)

            But overall discussion has been very productive even among people who don’t like what I wrote.

            Oh, and I really spent a lot of time on what I wrote for Huffington Post and it was emotional and took a lot out of me, so if people would read it that would really be awesome. It deals with the intersections of queer/disability.

          • yes – i look forward to reading it. Have been running since Monday : ( so later tonight

            and yes i understand the push-back — too many want to romanticize #ows and yes, the white guys want class at the center..


          • Anonymous

            It’s a fine piece.  Hard for me to go to Huffpo, but let a thousand intersectional queer voices bloom!

            I am letting friends and colleagues know about these posts.

          • Anonymous

            Expect pushback.  I know you do; you know the turf.  It’s OK – full of life, and intersectional analysis challenges the reductive narrowness of Gay, Inc.

        • love the Angry Black Lady!

  • Anonymous

    Thanks, Vikki and Angola 3 News.


     Furthermore, “the threat of imprisonment does not deter abuse; it
    simply drives it further underground. Remember that there are many forms
    of abuse and violence, and not all are illegal. It also sets up a false
    dichotomy in which the survivor has to choose between personal safety
    and criminalizing and/or imprisoning a loved one.

    I’m watching the video now, and Vikki, it’s great.  Thank you for your own work and for highlighting the work of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, Sistah II Sistah/Hermana a Hermana, and others.  They help give practical meaning to visionary justice work.

    Cheers all around.

    • yes — Profound work..

      vikki will be here later..

      •  I’m here! I’m here! (Well, as here as I can be while also doublechecking the product of 47 x 3 both mentally and then with the computer calculator and math problems like that).

        Thanks Kay & Nancy for your generous words! I hope the video inspires more people to actively envision a world where we can all be safe without relying on policing and prisons instead of poo-poohing issues of safety and violence or using those issues to further calls for increased policing and criminalization.

        • the many examples you cite are so important – communities often jsut need to do it themselves..

          the call for more policing and criminalization is understandable but in the end, misguided..

        • Anonymous

          It’s such a huge cultural leap to think of justice in more holistic terms…but I am sure we are up to the struggle.  It’s like helping people to see what is obvious:  all these (false) “get tough” promises have not made anything better.  In fact, it’s getting worse.

          Much gratitude to you for your analysis.  I can’t wait to read the second edition of your book.

  • A timely news report:


    An exhaustive government survey of rape
    and domestic violence released on Wednesday affirmed that sexual
    violence against women remains endemic in the United States and in some
    instances may be far more common than previously thought.

    Nearly one in five women surveyed said they had been raped or had
    experienced an attempted rape at some point, and one in four reported
    being beaten by an intimate partner. One in six women have been stalked,
    according to the report.”

    • Anonymous

      A patriarchal/male supremacist culture of violence.

      And yes, I know men can be raped and abused as well.

      But for women, it is endemic.

      If they’d just believed women, we wouldn’t have idiotic statements like “…far more common than previously thought.”

      • exactly

        this from the report too —

        “One in seven men have experienced severe violence at the hands of an
        intimate partner, the survey found, and one in 71 men — between 1 and 2
        percent — have been raped, many when they were younger than 11. “

      • Yes, for women it is endemic. And unfortunately, there’s a cultural mindset that either denies that this happens or that this is just what happens. From Inside this Place, Not Of it: Narratives from Women’s Prisons where a woman recounts being sexually abused by the landlord starting from the age of ten. When she told her mother, it became a family debate over whether the girl was telling the truth and nothing was done. Years later, the woman reflects on her mother’s inability to act and states, “In her [the mother’s] world, things like this happened. She was raised to believe that these types of things just happen to girls, that’s just how life is.”

        This is the kind of societal mindset that we have to get rid of if we want to have a world free of violence. It’s slow-going and can sometimes seem like a Sisyphean task, but we have to keep pushing pushing pushing. Or, as the zapatistas say, “Poco a poco.”

        • (Oh yeah–credit to the little one (now onto her English homework) for reminding me of the Greek myth of the guy doomed to eternally push the rock  up the hill!)

    • Thanks for pointing out that Times article and the government survey. For those who proclaim that there is no longer a patriarchy, these numbers should  be a wake-up call.

  • Here’s the video —  sorry i had trouble loading it in the post


    and thank you  Vikki and Angola 3 News — as always!