• Beauzeaux

    “You can’t make a law that changes how people think”
    That’s true but then I really don’t care what people think. I care what they do. Trayvon Martin was murdered. His killer must be punished.  I don’t care what a teacher or landlord thinks about Black people. But they CANNOT act on their prejudices. If they do, the law must be enforced immediately and firmly.
    In Cuba before 1959, the society had a strict hierarchy. Light on top, dark on the bottom. (Ever notice that the Cubans fleeing from Castro were ALL very light skinned?) The Cubans passed some strict anti-discrimination laws and came down hard on anyone discriminating by skin color. Cuba has lots of other problems but the old-style racism has pretty much disappeared. All because: we don’t care what you think but you WILL behave like decent human beings.

  • Hammer meet nail.  This young man is wise beyond his years…one of the ‘perks’ of being black in America.