• MK

    I love that you did this Nancy.  Yes to being out in our communities and engaging others in these conversations face to face.  We need millions of such conversations to be occurring across the country and the world.  Thanks!

    • and thank you MK!!  your work is a model for us all

      • KayWhitlock

         @nancy a heitzeg amen.  Lovely work, MK.

  • rubyr

    Very good reply!!!! :-)

  • rubyr

    I agree with Kay. This type of community discussion, led by professionals, should be held 
    in every town and city in this country.
    Good on you and I am so o o happy that participation was so good!!
    Thank you, Nancy.

    •  @rubyr thank you ruby! so let’s do it!

    • KayWhitlock

       @rubyr Hey, ruby!  Yes – led by professionals AND by families of prisoners and former prisoners.

      •  @KayWhitlock Yes indeed!

  • KayWhitlock

    This kind of event should be replicated everywhere…even in Missoula, MT!  Thanks, Nancy. 

    • rubyr

       @KayWhitlock Hey Kay!! I agree with you 100%, as I wrote in my comment. This has got to be stopped, or at least, slowed down. Best.

    •  @KayWhitlock even Missoula :)
      and thank you Kay — always an inspiration to me!
      off to class – i will be back

  • ScottieThomaston

    Oh man, wish I could have been there! Awesome job putting this together!

  • Always grateful to Michelle Alexander for striking the chord with the New Jim Crow
    and to Lois Ahrens and The Real Cost of Prisons Project for their commitment to public education

    •  @nancy a heitzeg And yes indeed to Lois Ahrens & The Real Cost of Prisons Project! If it weren’t for her, people in jail awaiting trial in MA would have to “pay to stay” right now!