• JohnnieSanchez

    This woman is an animal in her thinking and her actions. Anyone who would give her philosophy are sick. Hitler would’ve loved this ugly witch. Atlas Shrugged indeed

  • paddypaws2

    This choice still baffles me. Reading this, I’m guessing they’re trying to get the Libertarians to vote Republican. Someone help he out here.

    • Richard Lyon

      I’ve been pondering the same thing. Most libertarians already vote Republican. Those that vote the Libertarian ticket aren’t enough to worry about. It looks like it is the Tea Party that they are trying to placate. Since I can’t see it doing much to attract independent voters, I don’t understand the strategy. This is just a wild thought, but maybe Mittens doesn’t understand it either. :)

  • Richard Lyon

    What worries me about the senior vote is that as long as plans are framed as cuts to future entitlements and not cuts to present benefits, there are too many people who may say as long as it’s not me, I don’t care. I devoutly hope that the American voters reject everything that Ryan has to say, but I don’t automatically assume that they will.

    •  @Richard Lyon it also does not help that the GOP is blatantly lying out of the gate with the Rovain/Orwellian claim that that Obama has robbed Medicare via the ACA
      Nasty pieces of work

      • Richard Lyon

         @nancy a heitzeg I have absolutely no doubt that if R&R promise to phase in their cuts, those are promises that would not be kept. I vividly remember when California passed prop 13 cutting property taxes. There were all these people who voted for it who were utterly shocked when it caused cuts to programs that they benefited from. OMG, there has been a terrible misunderstanding!