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  • Domino14

    Abolition all the way

  • trashablanca

    Isn’t Michelle Obama the best First Lady in US history? That was the best speech I think I ever heard, though her husbands 2004 DNC speech wasn’t half bad. May we be graced with her presence for another four years, and not the “You People” woman.

    •  @trashablanca Amen! To all of it
      Last night was an outstanding night — all of the speeches were great

  • KayWhitlock

    Nancy, this is so incredibly important.  The death penalty, and its racist nature in application are symptoms of a prison/criminal legal system that has always frog-marched people of color and poor people into the killing fields of the state.
    May this powerful analysis/summary help in the long march to set things right. 
    Thank you.

    •  @KayWhitlock long march it is Kay..
      thank you as always

    • badphairy

       @KayWhitlock It is indeed. Now we need follow-up and through, as well.

      • KayWhitlock

         @badphairy Yes – and not only on the part of politicians.  To make change stick, it has to come from the grassroots up.

  • sorry to be slow here — a comment glitch for awhile
    hope you all are ready for DNC Round #2

  • trying to see if comments are on

    hope so