• Domino14

    What an insane argument…  good lord it is hard for a woman in labour just to move around at all and yes very difficult to walk without help..
    fingers crossed here too..
    my goodness this is ridiculous..

  • Thanks again A3 News for the interview and CI for hosting it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the third time is indeed the charm…
    for a world without cages or chains,

    •  @Vikki thanks so much vikki
      Yes — let us hope for the charmed third time

  • badphairy

    WTH Jerry? Sign that thing!

  • Congrats to vikki also on the new book — on my way to get it

  • KayWhitlock

    Thank you Angola 3 News, Tina Reynolds, and Vikki Law.  The shackling of incarcerated women giving birth is truly monstrous.  I am taking action now – and appreciate the chance to do so.

    •  @KayWhitlock monstrous is the word kay..No rationale for this except torture

      • KayWhitlock

         @nancy a heitzeg The more one knows about jails and prisons in the United States, the clearer it is that these are factories for dehumanization and degradation.  No humane society should ever permit this violence that is perpetrated daily – out of sight, out of mind for so many in this country.

    •  @nancy a heitzeg  Yes, the decision from Brown could come any day. So whatever last minute pressure we can generate is crucial.

      •  @nancy a heitzeg It should be noted that while Brown has some history of being somewhat left-of-center, he was the CA State Attorney General that prosecuted the San Francisco Eight, a horrifying case against Black Panther elders, trying to use evidence that had been previously thrown out because it had been the result of horrifying torture in the 1970s, long before Abu Ghraib.

        •  @Angola 3 News yes.. Law and order infects all parties..
          Long past time for a paradigm shift

  • Thanks as always Angola 3 News — vikki and tina!
    It is stunning to me that Brown is dragging his feet again on this.. It is an issue of basic human decency
    the power of the CA Police and CO union must really be confronted

    •  @nancy a heitzeg   Yes, it shows you how powerful and outright sadistic the police and prison authorities are, considering how strongly opposed they are, despite a unanimous, bipartisan approval of it by the CA State Legislature.
      Angola 3 News is glad we were able to help publicize this bill and the public campaign supporting it. Further, the story was well timed for the subject of an interview we’d been wanting to do with the Birthing Behind Bars project since it got launched several months ago.
      Special thanks to Nancy and Kay from Criminal Injustice, and Tina and Vikki from Birthing Behind Bars!

      • KayWhitlock

         @Angola 3 News  @nancy a heitzeg You know Angola 3 News and you have a permanent place in my heart and conscience.  Thank you so much for all that you do.

      •  @Angola 3 News Thank you!
        How do we start to break the union stranglehold??? Same issue with The Prisoner Hunger Strike and overuse of soliatry

        • KayWhitlock

           @nancy a heitzeg  @Angola 3 News This is where the issue of unions gets so damned complicated.  What do we do when a union is organized around the prison industrial complex?  I don’t blame workers for wanting decently-paying jobs.  We need to figure out how to transition from a prison society to an interdependent, just society in which jobs are not rooted in the constant production of prisoners bodies for the purpose of incarceration.

        •  @KayWhitlock  @Angola 3 News yes shift the jobs — transition out to community corrections and prevention efforts

        •  @nancy a heitzeg  @KayWhitlock Its kind of like the issue of deforestation –where the govt should sponsor jobs for loggers working to restore areas. Judi Bari was an important organizer in this regard as a union organizer with the IWW (Wobblies) and Earth First, who attempted to reach out to loggers, a difficult strategy to act on.

        •  @Angola 3 News  @KayWhitlock yes
          and that is a perfect example

        • KayWhitlock

           @Angola 3 News  @nancy a heitzeg Exactly.  And it’s still a battle we’re fighting in Montana – but with too few people thinking about green jobs.

        •  @KayWhitlock  @nancy a heitzeg GREEN JOBS are the key! The only real solution, which is why it is so opposed by the 1%.