• KayWhitlock

    Think the MSM might call this out?  Oh, no.
    Thanks for posting this, Nancy.

  • Yep — thanks for this Nancy.  Romney spewed the racialized code words at the debate last week — but the monochrome privileged club that comprises primetime MSM has yet to call Mittens out for it.  All they are interested in to doing is amplifying all appearances that the race is “tighter.”  Gotta get those ratings up.  To hell with the fourth estate actually doing their jobs.  
    The real losers of last week’s debate are the American people — Romney’s pandering to the middle and festival of lies should make anyone thinking of sitting out this election WAKE UP.   The media is complicit with the Romney’s propaganda festival — complicit just as they were during the Bush years when they failed to question the decision to invade Iraq.  Here we are yet again.  
    Telling a lie per minute without so much as catching a breath does not make a wannabe leader a “winner” of anything.
    Folks need to do their homework, look past the self-serving interest and agendas, and GET OUT THE VOTE.

    • Amen to the 100th Power..
      Turn off the TV and GOTV!

    • KayWhitlock

      @Seeta Props for “monochrome privileged club that comprises primetime MSM.”
      Co-sign everything you say here.