• badphairy

    These same guys who say they’re for personal liberty and freedom also support NYC stop-and-frisk, strip searches of anyone accused of a crime at all, and fitting the entire Congress in my vagina. No thank you.

  • amk4obama

    @GN192 – Yeah I read that awesome. She was great. Whie men know best, indeed.

  • GN192

    Required reading for them RT @naheitzeg http://t.co/H3cyw0jL … Sunshine Patriots and Fair Weather White Guys @MMFlint @sullydish

    • naheitzeg

      @GN192 @MMFlint @sullydish @timjacobwise @billmaher Amen – Romney/Ryan Lies trump everything

  • conlakappa

    The President will win and do so without their help. Again. That will be unremarked upon until they declare him a lame duck with the same speed they said people were unenthusiatic: 6 months in. Set your clock to it.

    • @conlakappa you are so right.. On all counts
      great to see you — we need your wisdom

    • KayWhitlock

      @conlakappa clock already set, conlakappa.  You are so right.

  • GN192

    You said I’d like this piece, and indeed I do!  Knocked out of the park.

  • TiMTPost

    I am reposting a portion of this article at my blog Nancy. Beautifully put! You have express my views. I thank you!

    • @TiMTPost go it for and thank you!!
      Always always a pleasure to see you my brother!

      • TiMTPost

        @nancy a heitzeg Will do shortly. Miss my girl. Keep on keepin’ on Ms. Brown!

        • KayWhitlock

          @TiMTPost  @nancy a heitzeg And I miss you, dear friend.  So good to see you.

        • TiMTPost

          @KayWhitlock  @nancy a heitzeg The same here…big hugs to you (((((Kay)))))).

    • conlakappa

      @TiMTPost Hey, you! I sent you an e-mail about tech assistance for OFA Virginia at least a week ago. We not talking? /cheesy grin

      • TiMTPost

        @conlakappa  @TiMTPost Hey Sista Kappa, I may have overlooked my email…been extremely busy but will reply pronto now.

  • trashablanca

    I really liked this article about the debate: http://jezebel.com/5948825/mitt-romneys-cokeface-and-other-interesting-moments-from-last-nights-boring-ass-debate?tag=master-debaters
    Especially this part: 
    “Liberals were not happy with the fact that Obama didn’t open the debate by saying “47%. Car elevator. Legitimate rape. Corporations are people. Where are your tax returns? War on women.” (drops mic, walks offstage) and no one was more upset than Chris Matthews, the DNC’s shouting id. WATCH MORE CABLE NEWS, MISTER PRESIDENT.”

    • @trashablanca thanks for the link
      And Chris Matthews looked a damn fool – i f i may say so :)

      • conlakappa

        @nancy a heitzeg @trashablanca Him we expect it from but I heard that Tim Wise was emoprog/white-manning it all over the place as well.

        • KayWhitlock

          @conlakappa  @nancy  @trashablanca Well, Tim Wise needs to get over himself.  He’s done good stuff, but we are in the final days of a major assault, and Monday morning quarterbacking doesn’t help.  They must not realize the POTUS has a day job, too.

        • @conlakappa  @nancy  @trashablanca i’ll have to go look.. Sigh.. Too Much

        • conlakappa

          @nancy a heitzeg @nancy @trashablanca Apparently, he was losing it via Twitter. Read a story similar to yours but more crudely stated: http://www.splicetoday.com/politics-and-media/obama-supporters-fucking-chill-out

        • @conlakappa  @nancy  @nancy  @trashablanca thanks for this  — checked the wise twitter feed ..yes he was

  • MK

    Nancy, thank you so much for writing this.  I thought the same thoughts as you did.  Seriously, folks get your acts together this is a huge fight and you are all screaming at the President on TV, in print, etc… FOCUS.  Anyway, you just captured my thoughts better than how I could have formulated them for myself.  Thank you.

    • Thank you MK!!  Always the best to see you here..
      And YES — FOCUS.. Amen

    • KayWhitlock

      amen, MK.

  • Excellent piece — one of your best ever.  Thanks so much for stating so eloquently and accurately what I’ve been struggling to articulate since Wednesday.  Imagine if President Obama got on that stage and rattled off a lie per minute — the conversation would’ve been entirely different. 
    Only a rich white guy can get on a stage and rattle off a lie per minute and be declared a winner.  Sickening and disturbing.  I will say that President Obama missed some opportunities — no doubt about that, but O’s missed opps does not make sociopath Romney a “winner” by any stretch of the imagination.  
    Again, a million thanks you for this.  Simply well done.

    • @Seeta thank you always for this incredible space Seeta!
      I have been brooding about this since last wed..
      and thanks to kay for encouraging me to just do this!
      i was wondering if was i gonna be “too mean”” :) but hey, that’s what is called for here
      No Prisoners cuz Everything really is at stake

      • @nancy a heitzeg Never too mean — just truthful and powerful and with the fire of one thousand suns.  Well done and thank you!

      • conlakappa

        @nancy a heitzeg @Seeta Sheesh, have you not been associating with me long enough to know the definition of being mean? They are the masters of the universe, no one can mess with their egos and their advice. Let ‘er rip!

    • KayWhitlock

      @Seeta Agree completely, Seeta.

    • conlakappa

      @Seeta I cannot co-sign to the notion of “missed opportunities” Ever tried arguing with a liar?

      • @conlakappa  @Seeta Alas yes, unfortunately it’s an occupational hazard.  I’ve never had to do it with the weight of the world on my shoulders, however.  The missed opportunities I refer to include a clean, concise presentation of record achievements and plans for a second term — simple, digestible bullet points that are less wonky. 60M viewers, many low-info folks, are watching during the debates — and this is an opportunity to maximize reach.
        He can sell his record, present his values and positions regardless of the other guy’s gish gallop sociopathic style.  We’ve all seen him do it masterfully before.  I understand Team O may not have wanted to show their whole hand in the first debate. And Team Rmoney certainly overplayed their hand.  I know we’ll see more “record” selling at the next two debates.
        The man’s got a stellar record and the low info voters out there need to hear it.

        • conlakappa

          @Seeta  @conlakappa It’s the sociopathy to which I was referring.  I have dealt with liars but rare is the bird that will tell one after another while rapidly blinkingly lying to someone face.  As they say in the South, there’s something wrong with him.  As always, YMMV.

        • @conlakappa  @Seeta agree — have never seen anything like it.. Romney can just liewithout pause – like it is his #1 reflex.. Sociopath indeed

    • TiMTPost

      @Seeta Ain’t that the truth?
      <blockquote>Only a rich white guy can get on a stage and rattle off a lie per minute and be declared a winner.  Sickening and disturbing.  I will say that President Obama missed some opportunities — no doubt about that, but O’s missed opps does not make sociopath Romney a “winner” by any stretch of the imagination.</blockquote>
      Well said!

  • KayWhitlock

    Bloviators exposed!  Well done, Nancy. You’ve called out those pundits “on our side” who seem to ascribe to a liberal version of the patriarchal authoritarian archetype.  Naw.  We need to get rid of that damn archetype altogether!   Thank you.

    • @KayWhitlock Thank you Kay..
      As you always say — we need a Bolder Vision.. These guys are just more of the same..
      Done with them

      • KayWhitlock

        @nancy a heitzeg They need to decide where to put their energy.  It shouldn’t be a spotlight shining on their own egos.

        • @KayWhitlock i know — what i was”stunned” by was the disgraceful post-debate coverage

      • conlakappa

        @nancy a heitzeg @KayWhitlock mostly because they used to be {*cough*] the same. I’ve got no truck with Shultz ever since his “sissy room” comment. No time either

        • @conlakappa  @nancy  @KayWhitlock and they blow with the wind