• vcmvo2

    Great article! Now I finally understand exactly what they are pulling here. This is a disgrace!

    • vcmvo2 Yes — disgrace is the word

      And Wow!! How great to see you vcmvo2 :)

  • Excellent http://www.propublica.org/article/a-colorblind-constitution-what-abigail-fishers-affirmative-action-case-is-r from propublica.  Entire piece worth a read.  
    * Blum started his one-man nonprofit, the Project on Fair Representation, in 2005. The organization is funded by deep-pocketed conservatives to, according to its website, influence “jurisprudence, public policy, and public attitudes regarding race and ethnicity” in voting, education, contracting and employment. To do so, Blum — who is not a lawyer — helps arrange pro bono representation to fight race-based policies that were meant to address inequalities.

    • Seeta thank you Seeta — just read about this case a bit earlier..
      Color-blind was my exact thought…the result of course is  A Blind Eye to Systemic Racism, SExism etc..
      14th Amendment Undone

      • nancy a heitzeg Seeta Exactly — plus she didn’t make the cut because she didn’t have the credentials.  Students of color who had similar or better credentials than she did not make the cut.  This case is a sham — and all involved shameful.

        • Seeta nancy a heitzeg Yes and the Court is a sham for taking it..
          The worst thing about this session imho?? — The Court will minimally acknowledge gay and lesbian marriage rights while sending poc 50+ years to the back of the bus on Voting Rights and Affirmative Action..
          And some will be distracted….

        • ps.. Like your lovely blue moderator badge :)

        • nancy a heitzeg Seeta Sigh — I agree with you.

        • nancy a heitzeg lol — i guess it’s a new feature. lol

        • KayWhitlock

          nancy a heitzeg I think the badge should read Head Girl.