• kjirik

    This article is eye opening that these errors are still going on currently. As I read this it made me think back to Sister Helen Prejean’s book The Death of Innocents and how these cases like Dobie’s and O’Dells are not just one of a few, rather many. I hope one day our society can stop with the racial prejudice in the criminal justice system and our society, but based on articles like this it may be awhile.
    Also, I clicked on the Kimani Gray link, I cannot believe the reports statistic that “Every 28 hours in 2012 someone employed or protected by the US government killed a black man, woman, or child!” …That statistic is astonishing!

  • worth the watch — but this is no isolated incident or historical artifact..See NYPD stop and Frisk.. See http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/2013/04/14/theres-something-about-kimani/.. More..

    Someday someone with the clout of a Ken Burns needs to tell the collective tale of systemic racism in the right now..