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  • KayWhitlock Seeta nancy a heitzeg agreed with that as been said here of course. Must discuss new strategies of issue-framing and local mobilizing. Must gear up for a SCOTUS that seams poised to do to away with campaign contribution limits. There are many fights ahead.  But I do believe this a turning point for the GOP. Civil war is being waged within the Republican party. The same astroturfing that created the faux tea party is creating that division. This division is not to be underestimated. If the GOP is to survive long term they must defeat the nihilists, anarchists, and end times fundamentalists. They must modernize, as there are new generations up and coming. The fight to protect and grow a civil society is far from over, but this is a turning point for this particular battle and the GOP. People who don’t normally pay close attention to politics are tuning in b/c this affects folks’ bottom lines-investments, retirement accounts, etc. Because of this folks are realizing how perilously close the GOP has taken the country to chaos and to an anti-democratic  state. I do not think that people will soon forget this. What we need to do now is to  continue to educate folks about alec, koch brothers, scotus, state legislatures, et al. The mainstream media certainly isn’t carrying that burden. So, indeed, it’s on us.

  • KayWhitlock

    Seeta nancy a heitzeg I wish I believed that the GOP brand is ruined, Seeta, but memories are short, and when people and small businesses are bleeding to death, they will go to anyone who offers relief.  I expect the GOP to start selectively saying, “OK, funding for veterans, OK funding for small businesses (minus ObamaCare), OK for this/that.”  Except not for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.   And desperate people, good people, will grab onto any lifeline.  I’m thinking of school closure fights, and how one neighborhood will so readily sacrifice another if their school can be saved.  
    The GOP might not win everything, but when this battle is put to rest – only for the moment – we will have been weakened.  Not because we are wrong, but because research shows that incessant negative responses, no matter how vituperative and unreasonable, cause people to begin to change their evaluations of various stories and issues.  The GOP understands this.  Our side doesn’t.
    Not trying to be a downer, but I am concerned that our side is not fielding bold public imagination that seeks to reframe this whole debate.  Our side:  “This is extortion and unreasonable.”  Their side:  “Government is out of control!  The Black Guy is taking us down Suicide Lane!”
    And our side – the politicos included – is not laying down in the road, saying:  “Public funding is essential!  Government is good!  Our rights and well being are protected by government!”  Gone with Paul Wellstone and – in a more negative sense – Bill Clinton.

  • ps i think we are in new terrain or old historical terrain that is new to many and we need to imagine new framing and tactics to enage this fight.
    i don’t know exactly what that looks but let’s keep thinking..

  • Seeta nancy a heitzeg 
     I am afraid they are trying to render the Federal government irrelevant too.. This is states right coup so that . in the end national elections don’t matter or are so severely weakened it is moot.
    Koch Bros are buying state legislature as we type and SCOTUS is soldifying the anti-federalist/states rights agenda. nThis is th e,most

  • nancy a heitzeg very true that national level polling doesn’t give us an accurate read of what could happen next year in congressional races esp. b/c of gerrymandering, but GOP brand is ruined — their ability to win a national election is even more of an uphill battle.

  • GOP doesn’t care — national level polling does not matter…
    they have http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/11/republicans-gerrymandering-house-representatives-election-chartfor the next 10 years..:/