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  • badphairy

    nancy a heitzegbadphairyKayWhitlockalso surprisingly uncivil.

  • badphairyKayWhitlockhey badphairy

    yes the Civil War is never over.:/

  • KayWhitlock

    badphairyKayWhitlock Also, we need to be aware of just how massive resistance to school desegregation was.  Here’s a great book about Prince Edward County, VA in the wake of Brown v. Board – there was an African American student strike over unequal educational conditions and resources, and when Brown came down, the school district literally shut down for 5 years.  And I know you know who was hurt the worst – private academies for white kids sprung up like wildflowers.  http://www.amazon.com/Browns-Battleground-Students-Segregationists-Struggle/dp/0807835072/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389836820&sr=1-2&keywords=Prince+Edward+County%2C+VA+desegregation
    And then there was Sunflower County, MS, where the segregation/desegregation/school to prison pipeline transition was seamless.  The same school board members who presided over a segregated school system presided over a “desegregated” one.  Great film:  The Intolerable Burden, so worth seeing.  http://icarusfilms.com/new2003/into.html

  • badphairy

    KayWhitlockHadn’t really thought of it that way, but yes, the rollbacks of voting rights etc, do indeed seem to support your premise.

  • ScottieThomastonyes and it of course intersects with race — balk students w/ disabilities are suspended/expelled at the rates of all

  • KayWhitlock

    ScottieThomastonIntersections, Scottie, for sure.  Especially when you look at intersection of race/disability – not only in school punishments, but also in prisons, and especially in use of extended solitary confinement.

  • ScottieThomaston

    Wow: “The
    treatment of disabled students should be a source of national shame:
    They represent 12 percent of students in the country, but they make up
    25 percent of students receiving multiple out-of-school suspensions and
    23 percent of students subjected to a school-related arrest.”
    I’m speechless.

  • KayWhitlock

    Thanks, Nancy, and thanks to the groups you list below.

    Expect another form of “states rights/local rights.”  Here in MT, the county attorney is making a crusade out of opposing DOJ on handling of rape/sexual assault issues, and he’s getting a lot of support from around the country (although local police and university officials are cooperating with DOJ).  The school to prison pipeline is the white supremacist revenge for school desegregation.