A symposium was held earlier this year, entitled: “Perceptions of Race and Racial Inequity in the Obama Era.” Unsurprisingly, but still dumbfounding nonetheless, a set of findings determined that “many Whites see the racial pendulum as having swung beyond equality to a place where anti-White prejudice is now a bigger societal problem than prejudice against Blacks. Together, these presentations highlight shifting perceptions of race and racial inequality in the Obama Era, as well as the importance of efforts to document the continued existence of racism in American society.”
Contrast the perception of anti-White prejudice with that of actual data showing “[t]he share of the vote for President Obama is negatively correlated with a high concentration of hate groups…. [H]ate groups negatively correlate with concentrations of gay and lesbian households and with areas where there are larger concentrations of immigrants.” (See The Atlantic.)
The publication, Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing, is available for download [pdf].