From EarthJustice:
Earthjustice and the Environmental Justice Research Center at Clark Atlanta University have collaborated to compile data for coal-fired power plant pollution and the impacts on low income communities and communities of color for EPA Region IV, which includes Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. The environmental justice trend for coal plant pollution and the disproportionate burden on these communities presents itself nationally and is magnified in EPA Region IV.
For example, Mississippi and Alabama are the two states in the nation with the most disproportionate siting of coal-filed power plants for populations living below the poverty line, and Tennessee is among the top five with the worst disproportionate impact to people of color.
In Alabama, the people of color near coal plants is 46% higher than the statewide average would predict; in Mississippi it is 34% higher; and in Tennessee there is nearly twice as high a likelihood for non-white individuals to be living near coal plants as would be expected given the state average.