Check out the amazing work of Moses Sanga and Eco-fuel Africa Limited. Upon returning to his native W. Uganda, he “discovered that almost all of the trees had been cut down to clear land for agriculture and for use as fuelwood, which in turn has caused drastic climate change. Because over 80% of Sub-Saharan Africans depend on fuelwood, Africa is losing 4 million hectares (nearly 10 million acres) of forest each year. At this rate, Africa will have no forests left by 2052!” Sanga quit his job and launched Eco-fuel Africa Limited. Eco-Fuel intends to achieve the following goals:
- Enable at least 40 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa to have access to clean and affordable cooking energy by 2020
- Plant at least a quarter of a billion trees in Africa by 2020
- Create at least one million alternative green jobs for poor people currently destroying the environment for survival in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2020