Notwithstanding Michele Bachmann’s extensive record to the contrary, Bachmann now claims that she does not “judge” gays because she is “running for the presidency.”
In 2004, Bachmann has been known to make winning statements such as this:
“If you’re involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it’s bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement.”
— Senator Michele Bachmann, speaking at EdWatch National Education Conference, November 6, 2004.
In addition to hiding out in the bushes at pro-LGBT rallies, Bachmann has also made the claim that an ex-nun and lesbian tried to abduct her in a bathroom.
On the heels of winning the Iowa straw poll, Bachmann sang a different tune on the Sunday morning circuit yesterday:
She and her husband, Marcus Bachmann, allegedly own and run an anti-gay reparative clinic, allegedly financed in part with state and federal funds.