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  • Excited about the new home.  Have bookmarked it and will continue to follow.

    •  yes!!

      great to see you — will e-mail you soon re the new deal here.. Very soon

      always hope for more  excellent contributions to you Vikki :)

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for all that you do. Awareness of a problem is the hopeful first step to addressing the problem.

    • Kay W

      Hi, conlakappa! It is wonderful to see you here.

      So right about awareness being the first step.

      • Anonymous

        Wonderful to see you and so many CI folks present and accounted for.

        Don’t get me started on the industry. Remember my cousin who was supposed to be serving concurrently for convictions in NJ and PA but didn’t have the documentation or good representation so PA was going to pick him up on his release date from NJ? I just learned that it is what happened. How messed up is that?! Don’t answer! So, he’s got 3 years to do there after having just completed 10 [or 12?] years. He’s 52 and acclimating to another institution.

        • Kay W

          Oh, dear heavens, that is horrific. I am so sorry. So lack of appropriate, good legal representation does its structural work in making sure even the prison to prison pipeline works well.

          This story is all too common.

          Prayers for your cousin are in progress as I write. I had been thinking about what I thought would be his upcoming release.

    • Anonymous

      Hey conlakappa! Great to see you here!

      • Anonymous

        Great to be here! Thanks for bringing this great series to your site.

  • Anonymous

    I know I’m late to the party. I have a class on Wednesdays that starts at 6 and office hours after that. I just wanted to say hooray! It’s so good to see CI in this wonderful space. I never would have found Critical Mass Progress if it wasn’t for the boycott edition of CIK. This must be where the “women’s studies group” meets now ;-)

    My son had his appointment with the PO yesterday (5 more to go).

    • Kay W

      No such thing as late to the party, Tchridy1 because we are always so happy to see you whenever you arrive.

      Thank you for kind words about CI – and yes, isn’t seeta’s new blog just wonderful?

      How’d your son’s appointment go? Please keep us posted.

      Wishing you a great Thursday. And thanks for being here.

      (I’m the renegade formerly known as RadioGirl!)

    • Anonymous

      Hey Tchrldy! Your comment made me laugh. Hope classes are going well. Sending you and your family warm wishes.

    • so great to see you :)

      Yes this is the spot

      nancy aka soothsayer

      • Anonymous

        Good to see you and Kay too. This is such a great site for truth-telling, I am not surprised that CI landed here.

  • DOlivervelez

    I love your new home – and big hugs to you all and especially to Seeta for birthing this progressive space

    • Kay W

      Hi, Denise! Thanks for being here. Huge gratitude to Seeta, whose blog is simply wonderful. Blessings to you.

    • thanks denise!!

      i think this blog is such an incredible space — we are so grateful to seeta

    • Anonymous

      Good morning Denise. Wonderful to see you here. It means a lot to me to see you here. :)

  • Just wanted to let you know I support all of you 100%.

    David Reid aka dopper0189

    • Anonymous

      Hey David — it means a lot to me to see you here. Kay has retired for the nite. I think Nancy might still be around.

      But it is truly wonderful to see you here.

      Terrorist fist-bump back at you, dear friend.

    • Anonymous

      Hi dopper! Have a good night!

    • David! thank you so much

      you don’t know how much that means –Gratitude as always

    • Kay W

      David/dopper, thank you so much for stopping by; it means so much. Sending love and blessings and gratitude to you.

  • Anonymous
    • Anonymous

      Shameful. Another privileged white female peddling the racist archetype that black men have a predisposition to violence towards the “reverence” of white womanhood. I got one word for Heidi Jones and all those who came before her: KARMA.

      Thanks for posting this princss. And btw, fantastic blog!!! I will add it to my blogroll!

      • Anonymous

        Thanks, seeta and will add you as well…still learning my way around the blogging program. I meant to do it earlier!

  • asterkitty

    Hello everybody. I just wanted to add two organizations to the list. I do graphic arts work for both the Inside-Out Center and Witness to Innocence, both based in Philadelphia.

    Witness to Innocence is at http://www.witnesstoinnocence.org. They advocate against the death penalty, and their speakers’ bureau is comprised of death row exonerees.

    The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program can be found at http://www.insideoutcenter.org. It is a revolutionary education program with both “inside” and “outside” students learning together.

    I thought these might be of interest to people here.

    • Kay W

      Great organizations, asterkitty. Very much of interest.

      Thank you. Please join us here again.

      Any interest you might have in doing a CI diary? We could all benefit.

      • asterkitty

        At some point I will. I’m actually very busy with work right now, including fundraising materials for Witness, and website updates for Inside-Out.

        I will see about getting permission from Lori (Inside-Out founder and director) to reprint some things. She may also want to write something, but her life is way too busy (makes mine look downright lazy).

        Working with these two organizations has pried my eyes wide open.

    • Anonymous

      thank you!! excellent!

      so great to see you..

      • asterkitty

        I am trying to figure out who everyone is… But it is a pleasure to read such sane intelligent respectful comments.

    • Anonymous

      Welcome asterkitty! I will add those two links to the list right now.

    • Anonymous

      Isn’t this a great site, akitty?

  • Deborah Phelan

    i’m here, registered and so appreciately of your moving this series over to this wonderful new home. Perhaps it is a place for me to write about climate justice and the rights to equal share of carbon space for development issues.

    Now back to read:)

    • Kay W

      Talk with seeta! But so glad to see you here, darlin’! Thank you for stopping in.

    • Anonymous

      yes!! so happy to see you :)

      seeta is the woman — would to see your writings here

    • Anonymous

      Welcome Deborah! It would be wonderful if you’d like to write about climate and eco-justice here!! email me if you’re interested:


      Thanks so much for being here.

  • Anonymous

    Greeetings….really glad to see this vitally important series continue in this space. Have subscribed and will follow in this place.

    • Kay W

      hiya, foufou.

      Very, very happy to see you here. Welcome. Take a look around the larger Critical Mass Progress blog if you have a minute.

    • Anonymous

      Welcome foufou! Wonderful to see you here!

    • Anonymous

      Hey foufou! Good to see you!

      • Anonymous

        Good to see you as well…stay strong!

    • Anonymous

      so happy to see you!!

      thank you foufou!

    • Oh my, foufou, my favorite kosack. May I ask where you have been? So good to see ya. If you have not caught up on the scoop, you sure have missed a lot in the last few days. :-) So, nice to see ya. I write at TPV now so hope to see ya there. :)

      • Anonymous

        Good to see everyone….I have some major health challenges and chose to “not swim in a toxic pool” some months ago but I am glad to have an opportunity to read my favorite posters in more pleasant settings. I have registered at People’s View, as well.

        • Kay W

          foufou, sending every good health wish your way.

        • Anonymous

          Yikes. So sorry to read that. I will pull out that well-worn desiccated chick’bone and shake it in your general direction. Good vibes sent your way.

  • Anonymous

    This series is one of the most outstanding and indicting reports I’ve ever read. I have forwarded this link to several people from my church who work in restorative justice and to our fledgling human trafficking group.

    This type of research, reporting and activism is all the justification the internet needs for its existence.

    And cats, also. Too.

    • Anonymous

      Thank you!~ so much leftrev

      so glad to see you here

      and Yes cats too )

    • Anonymous

      Thank you for being here leftrev.

    • Kay W

      Deeply appreciate your kind words and sending link to faith-based folks, leftrev. I’ve done much work in faith communities around restorative/transformative justice. These are communities where this work can and will take deep root, if only we nurture it.

      Yes. And cats, also, too. Lizzie and Flower are cheering you.

      As am I.

  • Anonymous

    So good to see this incredible series continuing. And good to see so many familiar faces below!

    • Kay W

      Cheers, iriti! Thanks so much for being here. Wonderful to see you!

      Seeta’s blog is terrific, and we are so grateful to Critical Mass Progress for being CI’s home.

    • Anonymous

      Yes!! ((irit)))

      thank you for being here

    • Anonymous

      thank you for being here iriti!

  • Anonymous

    yippee yay!

    love the new title, but it feels really weird not to be able to rec this. LOL

    it’s like a whole new series again!

    • Anonymous

      Hey Cedwyn! Great to see you here :)

      • Anonymous

        thanks for having me!


    • Anonymous

      hey! thanks

      for coming over cedwyn :)

      great to see you

      • Anonymous

        but of course! i’ll write a diary one of these days, i swear.

    • Kay W

      Well, damn, howdy, Cedwyn! Thank you for being here tonight.

      • Anonymous

        wouldn’t miss it!

  • Anonymous

    Hey friends:

    Sorry to get all PBS marathon on you, but I have three requests:

    Check out Prison Culture blog when you can: http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/

    And please show Critical Mass Progress some love on its brand new page on FB. I’d be grateful for your support: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Critical-Mass-Progress/237619652951278

    Sign up for the CMP newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/feCnI

    Thanks so much for being here and for you wonderful support of these issues. :)

    • Anonymous


      thank you seeta

    • Kay W

      Excellent. Please: get all PBS marathon on me again!

  • Anonymous

    Slave ships on dry land. Indeed. Good to see y’all.

    • Kay W

      Madame Robinswing! Welcome. A huge hug and even bigger smile and infinite love to you.

      • Anonymous

        You and sistah N are serious sheroes of mine. Love ya.

    • Anonymous

      the place to be :)

      so great to see you here robinswing

      • Anonymous

        Glad to be amongst the intelligent. You are one of my sheroes.

    • Anonymous

      Hey sis Robinswing!!! I am so honored by your presence here. Very, very good to see you here. :)

      • Anonymous

        So proud of you my sistah. So proud.

        • Anonymous

          That truly means a lot to me, sis. I know you know that. You’re an inspiration to us all. :-)

    • Anonymous

      Hey, friend! What have you been up to lately? ;)

      Don’t want to get OT, but that diary on Sunday is still shaking things today.

      We, Left Coast types, know what real seismic activity is.

      (formerly blindyone)

      • Anonymous

        Was both surprised and delighted at the response. Might have one more diary for them after the boycott is over. Hell, I want to be banned. Since I know that there are eyes looking…KMKMBA. LOL

        • Anonymous

          You are obviously loved and respected by a hell of a lot of people.

          • Anonymous

            And reviled by others. Oh well. LOL

          • Anonymous

            Making yours an experienced life. One’s day-to-day existence shouldn’t be like kindergarten in today’s times, where everyone gets a trophy, everyone gets a Valentine. Pffft. No time for complacency–there is so much work to be done.

          • Anonymous

            Don’t forget the pony Sistah. We must not forget the pony. LOL

          • Anonymous

            Ha! Something with which I could never relate–I’m a city kid, having grown up either in the hood or hood adjacent so don’t really know where I would have put that pony. There is a photo of me as a wee one on a camel–yes, side shows came to to the hood adjacent back in the day!

          • Anonymous

            Dear the pony wasn’t intended for either of us. LOL However some of my family used to train Tennessee walking horses(though as black folk they never got credit for doing so) and there is a photo of me around age five riding bareback on one. Canel????The thought of you on the back of a camel absolutely makes me smile. It ought to be your avatar. LOL

      • Anonymous

        I love “sagenotsweet”. You’ll always be blindy to me but I love the new user name.

        • Anonymous

          Hey, Ruby. You can call me blindy if you want. I’ll answer to any version of either name. I’m just happy to be talking to all my old friends over here.

      • Anonymous

        I’ll let you in on one of my core beliefs. Under certain conditions there are basically two kinds of people. People who sing the blues and people who inspire other people to sing the blues. I was trying to be inspirational.LMAO

        • ha! This is the damn truth :)

          love you Madame Robin ..So Much

    • That about says it all there!

      Hello my Queen. How u doin’?

      • Anonymous

        Still in burn this mutha down mode.LOL

        • I might just do that tomorrow. Watch out! :-)

          • Anonymous

            Haven’t been able to sleep but I got your back. I know you know this Daddy Cool.

          • Hey sis Wing, sorry to hear you had trouble sleeping! Hope you were able to get some rest. Sending you healing, positive energy! Hugs.

    • Anonymous

      Hi Robinswing!

      • Anonymous

        Hey Sis! Funny meeting you here.LOL

        • Anonymous

          Exactly. And thank you for stopping by earlier!

  • Hello CI, Nancy and sistah seeta…I have brought a campaign with me and was wondering if anyone has glasses to toast my entrance into one of the very few fabulous spaces we got in all of the blog world.

    Waving at you all and adept2u is lurking and sending his regards. (I think he is having problem logging in.)

    • Kay W

      Hello, my beautiful brother. Champagne you say? Why yes, I have glasses right here! And miraculously, enough for everyone! And for those who don’t drink alcohol – why we have lovely fizzy beverages for you, too!

      Hey, adept!

      • I am taking a trip tomorrow to the West Coast (SF) for my cousin’s wedding. She is marrying a Vietnamese guy and looking to be introduced to a different set of cross culture so believe me I will be having a lot of drinking to do over the weekend. I should ease up and take your lovely fizzy beverage. :) Much love sistah Kay!

        • Anonymous

          Have a wonderful time TiMT — and have a few rounds for me too, dammit!

        • Kay W

          Personally, beautiful brother, I’m taking a glass of the champagne. (elbows TIMT out of way in struggle to get to glasses while there still are some)

          • LMAO :-) I don’t know what I feel the love here and at TPV. :-) I don’t seem to recall the name of the other place. :-)

        • Anonymous

          Wow, sounds like it will be quite an interesting wedding. And a ceremony and/or reception that will last for hours!

    • Anonymous

      Toast to you!!~

      waving to adept :)

      so happy to see you here

      • (((((nancy))))) now the change of name is going to take some getting used too you know LOL. Glad CI has gotten a beautiful home my sistah. Cheers!

        • Anonymous

          you can always

          call me sooth ha!!! my “gangsta” alias )

          what ever you want

          this blog is beautiful — both style and substance

          we are indebted to seeta

    • Anonymous

      Hey bro TiMT!! So happy to see you here. I’m sorry Adept is having trouble. Wonder what the problem is and if anyone else is having problems?

      • (((((seeta))))) so sorry it has taken me this long to get here. Head ducking in shame. You got something going in on here sistah…proud of you. :-)

        adept may have not been back into his email validate his email and click on the link worldpress sends out for verification before logging in. I have sent him an email if that might be the problem. I also though I can login straight and was not successful and immediately remembered to check my email.

        Beautiful space beautiful Lady!

        • Anonymous

          Well…now I a am blushing. Thank you for the kind, beautiful words. Hey — we are in this fight together. And the more poc voices having discourse on these issues thru a poc lens, the better — proud of you too, my brother and very proud to know you. :)

      • Kay W

        One thing: if folks are having problems, empty your cache! Yes, I know how odd that sounds in Criminal Injustice.

        But really. Just do it. If you don’t know what it is or how to do it, enter “empty cache” in your browser’s Help menu.

        • Anonymous

          Yes, thank you Kay.

        • Anonymous

          Um, should I consult with consel before emptying anything?! /cheesy grin

          I kid. Disqus and I go way back…

        • Yasuragi

          Wow — that totally worked! I could only log in as “guest” before. Thanks, Kay!

          Wait a minute… logged in fine, but still popping up in disqus as Guest.

          Ah, well….

  • Happy to see CI in its new home. Great site — I’ll be reading for hours.

    • Anonymous


      thank you for being here :)

    • Anonymous

      Welcome Kali :)

    • Kay W

      Happy you came to visit – and yes, Critical Mass Progress is the progressive blog I’ve been waiting for!

  • Anonymous

    Dropping in to say hello and that I like this new space. Haven’t commented during the recent awfulness at the other place, and frankly it’s too depressing to do so. But I look forward to following the series here. Blessings. :)

    • Anonymous

      Bless up mali! Lovely to see you.

    • Kay W

      hiya, mali muso! Very happy to see you tonight. You’ll find a lovely and smart and progressive environment here. If you haven’t had a chance, check out the info in about Critical Mass Progress about principles and values. You’ll cheer.

    • Anonymous

      thank you so much mali~
      i am so happy to see you here

  • Anonymous

    Feel like I’m running in late to a family reunion… wouldn’t be the first time. :0

    I was so happy to see this place of seeta’s up and running. I’m even happier to see CI right here with so many familiar names in the comments.

    Per sooth’s statistics: a man was executed in Texas today. I don’t know his name or why he had to suffer that penalty… and I was too busy doing other things to even look that information up.

    I should be ashamed, and our society should be ashamed that we are so used to this by now.

    (formerly blindyone)

    • Anonymous

      My People!!!

      yes :)

      love you — so great to see you

      • Anonymous

        Hey! I promise not to put any dance videos up today.

        My people might have to sit down for a few.

        (formerly blindyone)

        • Kay W

          But your people are legion.

          Where will we put them all?

          • Anonymous

            Yes, we are. We’ll just have to leave our “pipes” outside.

    • Kay W

      I LOVE your new name! Lots of fresh air in the house tonight, and new beginnings!

      This is a family reunion and an expansion of family, and that is worth celebrating.

      And, as you remind us: people continue to be executed. Go to MK’s comments and check out her link to the Troy Davis resources. We only have a few days to save his life.

      • Anonymous

        Fresh air indeed… this is nice, isn’t it?

        I will go check that link.

      • Anonymous

        I know — I love the new moniker although I am attached to ‘blindy.’ but ‘sagenotsweet’ is truly brilliant and witty.

    • Anonymous

      That is so saddening sagenotsweet — I have to say that we all share in the shame — we all prop up the system in one way or another — and it is incumbent upon us to self-examine in order to dismantle these evil institutions that treat people as though they were less than human.

      • Kay W

        so true, seeta.

        This is not “somebody else’s” problem. It’s our responsibility.

    • Anonymous

      Hey sage!

      I was reading about a prisoner on death row today with the last name of Buck. I’m sure it is not the same person. Seeta had a post about it.

      • Anonymous

        Hi, princss. I just checked, and I think that the execution I was talking about was yesterday, Sept 13.

        The man who was executed was named Steven Michael Woods. He was sentenced based on the testimony of his co-defendant…who received a life sentence).

        Amnesty International was involved in protesting his death penalty conviction.

        (formerly blindyone)

    • ((((sagenotsweet))))) I like the name.

      Indeed, the system has made us numb and we have to do something about it to change it. The truth is we need to elect real Democrats. (I cringe to even try to say that fake ass saying –“more and better Democrats”)

      • Anonymous

        Nice to see you here, TIMT! Big hug.

    • Anonymous

      We are family….I got all my sistahs with me…couldn’t help myself.LOL

    • Anonymous

      I love your new screen name.

  • Emmet

    Hola, CI personnel! Glad this important series continues!

    • Kay W

      Emmet! Hooray!

    • Anonymous

      great to see you emmet

      don’t you love this site???

      • Emmet

        Dudette, I just got here! Will now wander around a bit and check it out. I’ve been on the road and dealing with some family illness problems, so haven’t had much time for a month or so.

        • Kay W

          sending hugs, Emmet, so sorry. This has been a really rugged spring/summer for you.

          You are in my heart and thoughts.

          • Emmet

            Thanks so much. It’s wonderful to see you, in virtualland.

    • Anonymous

      Welcome Emmet. Thank you for being here.

      • Emmet

        Type yhttps://criticalmassprogress.com/2011/09/14/ci-incarceration-nation/#our comment here.

        Thank you, Seeta. Nice place!

  • Kay W

    Folks, comments are loading really slowly for Nancy, but she is smiling and waving at everyone, and reading all your comments. She’ll be back adding her own words as soon as she can! In the meantime, she sends huge thanks to you all for being here.

  • Kay W

    Folks, comments are loading really slowly for Nancy, but she is smiling and waving at everyone, and reading all your comments. She’ll be back adding her own words as soon as she can! In the meantime, she sends huge thanks to you all for being here.

    • Anonymous

      Oooooh, meanwhile, she was somewhere swearing a blue streak! Hope she knows that Disqus requires chanting and perhaps a few smudges.

  • Anonymous

    Sooth!! I am so deeply glad that you have found a home for CI where you will get the respect and fairness you so deserve. I had not seen this diary and I am so glad I now have.

    As always, deepest respect to you, Radio Girl and all who contribute to CI.

    Thanks so much, seeta, for hosting Criminal Injustice! (rubyr)

  • Anonymous

    Sooth!! I am so deeply glad that you have found a home for CI where you will get the respect and fairness you so deserve. I had not seen this diary and I am so glad I now have.

    As always, deepest respect to you, Radio Girl and all who contribute to CI.

    Thanks so much, seeta, for hosting Criminal Injustice! (rubyr)

    • Kay W

      it’s very good to see you here tonight, ruby, and thank you for coming by. Much respect back.

      seeta’s blog is fantastic. Tell everyone you know about it!

      • Anonymous

        I’ve sent out some em’s and will send more. Thrilled to do it.

    • Anonymous

      Thanks for being here ruby! :)

      • Anonymous

        seeta! this is an amazing site and with CI here it is even more amazing. Thanks again.

        • Kay W

          I meant to say: we jumped for joy seeing you, ruby, you’ve been so terrific in supporting CI and caring about the human beings caught up in this hellish, inhumane system.

          Thank you.

          • Anonymous

            Aww…I can’t believe you would thank me. You ones do all the work. smooch!!!

    • Anonymous

      Thanks for being here ruby! :)

    • Anonymous

      Hey rubyr! I hope all is well!

      • Anonymous

        I’m so happy to see CI in a safe place that I almost wept. How are you, p6, my friend?

        • Anonymous

          I’m good! yes, the expansion is wonderful!

      • Anonymous

        great to see you princss!!

        thank you always

        • Anonymous

          Hiya sooth! So happy to see you!

    • Anonymous


      thank you always for all support!

  • Samantha

    CI and Critical Mass Progress– two thumbs up!
    The image used in the article, ” Prisons– Slave Ships on Dry Land” is profound as it evokes and incorporates the famous 18th century abolitionist drawings of the cross-sections of slave ships. Continuing the theme of Prisons — Slave Ships on Dry Land, the U.S. Criminal Justice system would be the Middle Passage.
    Thanks to all!

    • Kay W

      Hi, Samantha – yes, that graphic is shattering every time I see it.

      Thank you for being here. Please come back!

      • Samantha


    • Anonymous

      Welcome Samantha! Perhaps you’d be interested in writing an article for Criminal Injustice?

      • Samantha

        Wow– thank you! I will think about that!

        • Kay W

          second seeta’s question, Samantha.

        • Kay W

          second seeta’s question, Samantha.

          • Samantha

            :) :)

    • Anonymous

      And yes, well said — a perfect illustration of how the prison system in an outgrowth of slavery.

    • Anonymous

      great to meet you samantha!

      thanks for being here

      • Samantha

        Nice to meet you and everyone else. Thank you!! :)

  • MK

    Glad to see Criminal Injustice here at Critical Mass Progress. Awesome. Great re-post sooth. I want to remind everyone who is an educator to please “Teach Troy Davis” this week http://troydaviseducation.wordpress.com/ Peace to all.

    • Kay W

      Hi, MK – your Teach Troy Davis resource is so powerful. I’ve sent it far and wide. Bless you for doing that.

      Please, everyone, follow MK’s link to help save Troy Davis’ life.

      • MK

        Thanks so much Kay. It is getting out there and thanks to seeta for also posting about it at this terrific blog. CLEMENCY next week for Troy.

        • Kay W

          MK, I’m seeing the Troy Davis resource linked and promoted on any number of websites.

    • Anonymous

      Hey MK. Hope more folks here take a look at your fantastic blog: http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/

      • MK

        Thanks so much seeta for the Prison Culture shout out. Much appreciated…

    • Anonymous

      Teach Troy!!

      thank you for everything!

      • Anonymous

        I just wanted to drop by to welcome you, Seeta, and Critical Mass Progress to the neighborhood! I have a deep appreciate the information and the issues that your site covers. I also came across some news early this morning that I want to share here:

        BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court Grants Stay of Execution To Duane Edward Buck 

        The U.S. Supreme Court just issued a brief order granting a temporary stay of execution:  The application for stay of execution of sentence of death presented to Justice Scalia and by him referred to the Court is granted pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari. Should the petition for a writ of certiorari be denied, this stay shall terminate automatically. In the event the petition for a writ of certiorari is granted, the stay shall terminate upon the sending down of the judgment of this Court.


        • Good morning creolechild!  Thank you for the warm welcome — it is great to be in such company. 

          Thank you so much for the update on Duane Buck.  So happy to hear of this outcome.  I’ve added it to my morning news round-up. 


          Please keep any news reports coming! :-)

          Sending warm wishes for a good day.

          • Anonymous

            Good morning, Seeta. I’m happy that this site is joining the pragmatic blogroll. 

            Have a peace-filled day~

  • poco

    Hello everybody,
    Thanks for a great post. I really think the analogy, “slave ships on dry land” is brilliant. I missed this diary when it was first posted, so am really grateful for a second chance.

    love to all.

    • Kay W

      Good to see you, poco. That analogy is exactly how it is.

      Love to you.

      • poco

        Hey Kay, (RG)
        Sorry to refer to your old name, but it’ll take a while for all my loving emotions attached to that name to transfer to your new one.

        • Kay W

          Oh, that is sweet, poco. RadioGirl can be a piece of one history. And I’ll be a piece of another!

    • Anonymous

      hey poco, wonderful to see you here. and yes, the “slave ships on dry land” is a powerful descriptor.

    • Anonymous

      Hey poco! So happy to see you!

      • poco

        Hey princss,

        /waving wildly
        So glad to come to seeta’s awesome blog and CIK.

    • Anonymous

      Hey poco! So happy to see you!

    • Anonymous

      so great to see you here poco!

      that graphic says it all

      • poco

        So nice to see you here Nancy, (sooth)
        and so glad to know that seeta’s awesome blog is where I’ll be sure to find you on Wednesdays.

        Love these series.

    • Saying hello poco. Haven’t interacted with you in that different space but appreciate reading your comments.

      • poco

        Hi TiMT,

        Have been following you at TPV recently and very pleased to see you and that blog.

  • Yasuragi

    Very happy to see this here again.

    • Kay W

      Equally happy to see YOU here!

      • Yasuragi

        Having a little trouble with the interface (my antivirus, not the site’s problem), but otherwise, mighty glad to be here.

        And what a powerful piece this was — and is again. Thanks so much for the repost.

        • Anonymous

          i was too —

          better now

          thank you (((((yas)))))

          • Yasuragi

            Sorry to be so late. Someone looked a lot like you sent me to some reading material… and I got lost in it. ;)

            Wonderful. I didn’t remember how terrific this post was. And was much of this sourced for NN this year? It’s just such powerful information. I love throwing these numbers at people and seeing their reactions.

            Thank you for the best weapon of all: information.

      • Yasuragi

        Having a little trouble with the interface (my antivirus, not the site’s problem), but otherwise, mighty glad to be here.

        And what a powerful piece this was — and is again. Thanks so much for the repost.

    • Anonymous

      Wonderful to see you Yas! :)

      • Yasuragi

        Hey, Seeta! So glad to see you, too. This is a terrific blog. So impressed! Must go read about Anita Hill. :)

        • Anonymous

          Yes — I’d love to go that conference. princss mentioned interest as well. Let me know if either of you decide to go.

      • Yasuragi

        Hey, Seeta! So glad to see you, too. This is a terrific blog. So impressed! Must go read about Anita Hill. :)

    • Anonymous

      Yas!!! Hey!!!

      • Yasuragi

        Hey… I know you, don’t I? ;)
        Yo, princss6. No surprise finding you here tonight. :)

        • Anonymous

          Hey! So glad to have a place for CI.

    • Anonymous

      Yas!!! Hey!!!

    • OT — I got the message. :-) You had to rub it on, dotcha? So good to see ya my lovely sister.

    • OT — I got the message. :-) You had to rub it on, dotcha? So good to see ya my lovely sister.

      • Yasuragi

        Always wonderful to see you, Brother Time. :)
        Yeah, I did have to chide you a bit. Only because you’re *never* late… just this one time. And it made me laugh. Glad you did, too.
        Hugs to you!

  • Anonymous

    This, for me, is just a staggering figure: Nationally, 1 in 3 Black and 1 in 6 Latino boys born in 2001 are at risk of imprisonment during their lifetime.

    Absolutely astounding. Just goes to show how the use of various racial archetypes helps to perpetuate and fuel the PIC.

    • Kay W

      Racialized criminal archetypes have always been the colonial/national ghost story this country’s white power structure tells itself in order to maintain power and hegemony.

      Time for a new, more liberating story.

    • Anonymous

      My son was born in 1999. The generation before me and the older ones in my generation (by grandmother had 8 kids), had jobs or joined the military then found good jobs. The younger half of my generation, two already incarcerated. Sometimes these diaries just make my heart ache. But I try to stay focused and try to make sure my son stays out of prison and alive. Damn!

    • Anonymous

      My son was born in 1999. The generation before me and the older ones in my generation (by grandmother had 8 kids), had jobs or joined the military then found good jobs. The younger half of my generation, two already incarcerated. Sometimes these diaries just make my heart ache. But I try to stay focused and try to make sure my son stays out of prison and alive. Damn!

      • Kay W

        It’s also up to us to stay focused and try to make sure your son and countless other sons and daughters are not grafted into the prisons.

        • Anonymous

          I agree!

          • Kay W

            And even more: our collective responsibility to ensure that what they need for excellent education, health care is there – and that they have hope for good jobs/meaningful work.

          • Anonymous

            I heard a man on with Michael Baisden Tuesday who was talking about the learning styles and experiences of black children versus their white counterparts. About our overrepresentation in special ed and underrepresentation. Very eye opening.

      • Anonymous

        heartbreaking reality, princss. and that is the reality for black families across America — every day is war — trying to survive in a system that institutionalizes privilege and racist subjugation — trying to keep from being eaten by the claw of the PIC = 13th amendment loophole, to borrow Nancy’s brilliant phraseology.

        • Anonymous

          He’s 12. I’ve already had him to never talk to the police without me present. Ever!

          • Anonymous

            So sad that a 12 yr old child needs to be taught that a reality.

            And it is, indeed, a disheartening reality.

          • Kay W

            princss6, this breaks my heart. And yet I agree that he needs to know this.

            What a failure this society is that this is what so many parents have to teach their children.

        • Kay W

          “every day is war” – yes, seeta, this.

          Our job to help translate this more widely and meaningfully into public awareness.

  • Anonymous

    Good evening, all! I hope everyone is doing well. Now up to read!

    • Anonymous

      hey princss! you always bring a smile to my face!

      • Anonymous

        Likewise, seeta! Good to see you!

      • Anonymous

        Likewise, seeta! Good to see you!

    • Kay W

      hi, princss6!

      Doing very well. And even better now that you’re here! How are you?

      • Anonymous

        Hi Kay! I keep running into you everywhere! Me? So happy to see CI! And all familiar faces!

        • Kay W

          We just hang out at all the right places! With kick-ass people!

          • Anonymous

            Kick-ass people? Madam, I’ve never kicked an ass in my life [or at least since 6th grade!]. Just told the straight-up truth with no chaser enough to make it feel like a kick in the ass /cheesy grin

          • Kay W

            Of course, that’s exactly what I meant, conlakappa!

          • Anonymous

            I know. I was just in the mood for talking some smack! Back to being Zen… I really was coming home yesterday after my very busy day yesterday repeating the mantra, “stay cool,” or some such. It was a cross between the “keep it together” from Bowfinger and “serenity now!” from Seinfeld.

      • Anonymous

        Hi Kay! I keep running into you everywhere! Me? So happy to see CI! And all familiar faces!

  • Anonymous

    Hi, all! What a beautiful new home for the vital Criminal Injustice series.

    • Kay W

      hey, DaNang, happy Wednesday evening. Lovely to see you. Isn’t seeta’s blog amazing?

    • Anonymous

      so great to see you bob!!

      Incarcerated Vets here next week???? is that all right??

      • Anonymous

        Here first, next Wednesday. Someplace else next morning. Okay?

        • Anonymous

          you got it : )

          thank you as always

    • Anonymous

      Great to see you DaNang! :)

    • Bro DaNang. How the heck have you been brother? Man, we have not talked in a while. Good to see ya buddy!

  • Aji

    Hi, All.

    Took me a few days to want to comment anywhere at all. Good to see you here – and Seeta, this place is fabulous. I’m here, and over at Da Mooz.

    Probably not up yet for much in the way of commenting, but love to all of you.

    • Anonymous

      Hey Aji — So happy to see you. :)

      • Aji

        Back atcha, hon. BTW, you’re gorgeous! :-D

        • Anonymous

          thank you, Aji. very generous and kind of you to say so. ::blush::

    • Kay W

      Aji – one of CI’s most prophetic voices.

      Love to you.

      • Aji

        Love back to you.

        But prophetic? Me? Nah. Just bullheaded as hell. :-)

        • Kay W

          What?! Naw, what they TOLD you was bullheaded was just a stubborn gift for prophecy and vision.

          Must’ve been one of those high school counselors. Some are fabulous, but I had a lackluster one who tried to emery board my every interesting rough spot.

      • Aji

        Love back to you.

        But prophetic? Me? Nah. Just bullheaded as hell. :-)

    • Anonymous


      made my day!!!

      • Aji

        Back atcha, my sister. So glad you and Kay and this series have landed here.

      • Aji

        Back atcha, my sister. So glad you and Kay and this series have landed here.

    • Anonymous

      Love back, Aji baby. Don’t let all of this get you down. It’s awful but you are wonderful and shouldn’t have to suffer over a bunch of ******s. (rubyr)

    • Anonymous

      Love back, Aji baby. Don’t let all of this get you down. It’s awful but you are wonderful and shouldn’t have to suffer over a bunch of ******s. (rubyr)

    • Anonymous

      Hey, fiery fierce one! Hugs and much love sent your way. Still trying to make my way to you… Could even be nostalgic for the husband and me–we’ve both been to NM before. I when I was 9 [don’t be rude and try to do the math on this, people!] and he when he was stationed in El Paso and in his early 20s.

  • Kay W

    Huge thanks to seeta and the superb Critical Mass Progress blog for being the new home for CI. And what a great group of people here to help us celebrate.

  • Anonymous

    Heh. i’ve seen the prison industrial complex from close up and in the belly of the beast. It was corrupt when it just involved nepotism. Now that the corporations are bellying up to the bar, it’s gone wholesale and no Americans are safe until we confront and eradicate the root corruption.

    • Anonymous

      No Americans are safe —

      so truth

      how great to see you here!!

      • Patriotdaily

        Nancy, sorry i’m so late. work and just finished dinner now.

        thanks for still sending out emails. i would not want to miss your postings.

        • So happy to see you here :)

          any time — never too late

          thank you! means a lot to me that you are here

    • Kay W

      hey, don’t I know you from someplace?

      Hi, trashablanca.

      You are so right. Ever consider writing a CI diary?

      • Anonymous

        yes! I support this 1000%.

    • Anonymous

      Good to see you here trashablanca. :)

    • Hear….hear….hear!! Spot on comment!

      Hellloooo trashablanca, how u doing? Good to see ya here.

    • Patriotdaily

      hi trashablanca! i have not been at DK much, but when i do, particularly each morning, i miss you so.

      good to see you!

      • Kay W

        hi, Patriotdaily. Thank you for being here. Good to see you.

  • indiemcemopants

    I’m so glad for this place. Thanks for continuing this series here.

    • Kay W

      woo-hoo! indie! CI thrives!

      • indiemcemopants

        Kay! Great to see you!

        I still haven’t gotten my site up and running yet. But I was gonna feel pretty lost without CI(K?) since I love both reading and contributing for it.

        • Kay W

          I love seeing your photo up here, indie. I’ll have to get it together and add mine. Next week!

          • indiemcemopants

            It won’t let me add it as a feature of all my comments so I have to keep clicking “image” and adding it every time I post a comment.

            That’s kind of weird but the picture is right here on my desktop so it’s easy. I just feel weird without it. I’m spoiled by Facebook haha.

          • Kay W

            well, your face is imprinted in our hearts, too.

          • Anonymous

            hmmm. that’s weird. wonder why it’s doing that? did you try clicking on the ‘disqus’ icon, then select ‘edit profile’? that might do the trick — you should be able to upload a pic there. :)

          • Anonymous

            I think I fixed it. Apparently one has to register with this site AND with Disqus and it will merge the two profiles together. Then you can add a username and picture.

          • Anonymous

            Hey — yeah, registering with the site, just sets you up to submit posts — but folks also have to email me to let me know for sure that they are interested in posting, so I could set it up.

          • Anonymous

            Disqus is a cruel deity. Step gently around Mighty Disqus…

          • Anonymous

            Go to Discus, sign up (easy) and add your photo as your avatar. That way, it will come up every time you log in. Discus logs you in to a lot of sites, so it’s very convenient now that we will be spreading our wings away from the GOS.

          • Kay W

            No need for anyone to have to declare blog loyalties, ruby! Let’s just celebrate being here and not bring other history here tonight, if that’s OK.

            This is a night for appreciating and celebrating our new home!

            Everybody gets to make their own decisions about blogs they will visit.

          • Anonymous

            Well said. Many different venues offer different things. Not a zero sum game.

    • Anonymous

      hey {{{{{indie}}}}}}}} really great to see you here!

      • indiemcemopants

        Great to see you. This is a really well done website.

        • Anonymous

          Thanks indie — would love to have you contribute here if you ever feel so inclined. :)

          • indiemcemopants


    • Anonymous

      love you (((((((indie)))))

      so wonderful to see you here???

      • indiemcemopants

        You too Nancy. I’ve bookmarked this now so I can keep coming back.

        • Kay W

          indie, this is a perfect place for your most fiery vision, which is just awesome when you let loose.

          damn, it’s fine to see you here. Thanks.

    • Hey indie. Glad to see ya here.

  • Looks Good Sooth! Keep up the good work. We don’t need Daily Kos’ BS!
    In Solidarity,
    Angola 3 News

    • Anonymous

      Amen Hans!!!

      thanks so much

    • Kay W

      Hans/A 3 N – CI owes you such large debts of gratitude. Thanks for being here tonight.

    • Anonymous

      Good to see you here Angola 3! In solidarity.

    • Anonymous

      YAY!! Angola 3 News!!! wonderful.

  • Kay W

    Hello, everyone! It’s a beautiful Montana evening and I’m so happy to be here with CI at seeta’s wonderful Critical Mass Progress.

    • Anonymous

      Hey Kay! Hope you had a good day! Incarceration Nation, indeed. Excellent work — excellent resource.

  • dirkster42

    Always great to see your amazing work!

    • Kay W

      dirkster, it is terriific to see you. Thank you for coming by tonight.

    • Anonymous

      hey dirkster! good to see you here :)

    • Anonymous

      thanks for here dirkster —
      always grateful for you!

  • Anonymous

    thanks again seeta!!

    what a great space you have created — here’s to the future!!!

    • Anonymous

      hats off to you and Kay — I’m honored to be graced by your presence and tremendous work and vision.

  • Anonymous

    I am so glad to see Criminal Injustice here. I am horrified by the for-profit prison system. No one should be making money from this corrupt system.

    • Anonymous

      so very glad to see you here bjm!!!

      thank you~

    • Anonymous

      so very glad to see you here bjm!!!

      thank you~

    • Kay W

      Hi, bjm – lovely to see you. Thanks for your steadfast support for CI.

    • Anonymous

      Hey bjm — very well said.

      • Anonymous

        Putting this up top. If anyone has a disqus account…you can track replies to your comments here…


        • Anonymous

          Thank you princss!