From Immigration Prof Blog:
In an interesting online article in the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Robert Castro [pdf] analyzes how imageries based on the historical typification of Indians have been projected onto Latina/o immigrant populations that are in the United States without proper documentation. [He] also explore[s] the risk such a typification poses to native-born Latina/o populations who are oftentimes unfairly implicated in surging anti-immigrant backlashes. Key questions this article addresses include: Is the idea of the “Latina/o Threat” materially connected to historical ideas concerning Indian savagery? If so, to what extent is this threat narrative connected to anti-Indian sentiment? How have historical representations of American Indians framed modern debates over the kinds of risks posed by Latina/o immigrants to the U.S.? How have these debates affected recent immigration policy?
Download and read: Indians, Latina/os, and the Alien Morphology of Arizona Senate Bill 1070 [pdf]