• Anonymous

    I was born in TN.  Shame on them.  If I believed in hell I would send them there.I suspect they already live in hell.

  • Anonymous

    I scarcely have words to say how despicable are the (often successful) efforts to suppress voting, particularly in POC communities. 

    For those who mistakenly think that winning in politics is a straight shot from winning a piece of legislation – like voting rights legislation – let this sound the cautionary note.

    Our struggle is never finished, because the attacks are never finished.  This does not discourage me.  It refines and hones my determination to fight harder.

    • Anonymous

      Yup.  It’s not just about getting legislation passed- it’s about defending that legislation from relentless attacks for years and years.  We can see that with the anti-abortion legislation that the GOP is passing, with great fanfare, today.

      There is nothing that is settled in this country as long as there is an ignorant, bigoted 30% or so that can be frightened into supporting some candidate or political movement… even if it works against their own interests
