From ThisIsOurTimeBlog:
Today, more than ever, we must fight for our destiny. We must claim and defend what’s ours. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is not something many before us got by default. They have fought, marched, beaten and been jailed for it. It is time we all stand together and fight for what’s right and earn the kind of Life, Liberty and Happiness we choose. Occupying Wall Street and the main street is just one way to show grievances but we need to also identify the cause and effect of our current condition and have a sharp message about how to transform the Occupy energy to win many Democratic seats and the Presidency in 2012. It is our time to depend on each other to do the right thing, to be feed energy of off each other and reclaim our destiny in today’s political field. The change we sought during the 2008 election has brought America from the brink of disaster with all the obstructionism we have seen from the Republican Party that is committed to destroying any progress President Obama is trying to achieve.”