Arizona’s renowned petulant megalomaniac, supremacist Jan Brewer, miserably attempted to have a “face-off” with the President of the United States. Behaving like a scorned teenage girl, she looked as though she was ready to take off her earrings and go full throttle for the Trashy and Low Class of the Year Award. Apparently she didn’t like the fact that the President spoke to her as though she were not The Queen [TM]. Clearly someone forgot to give this lowbrow woman the handbook on statesmanship.
From CBS News:
He was a little disturbed about my book,” Brewer said. “I said to him that I have all the respect in the world for the office of the president.”
But Obama “didn’t feel that I had treated him cordially” in the book, the governor said.
In the book, Brewer complains about one meeting at the White House with Obama — centered around immigration and border security — writing, “It was though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee.”