• Anonymous

    I’m almost afraid to type a comment… Is disqus being nice now?

    Anyway, Gov Brewer will look back with regret at this picture as well as her extremely odd brain freeze when she was responding to reporters’ questions that has been captured on video for posterity.  I’m sure of that.


  • I trust in the wisdom of crowds. Evidence is strong that when people have a chance they make correct decisions- even when they are complex.  That low brow Tea Party freaks of nature like Arizona’s Jan Brewer supposedly “win” elections just calls into question our deeply flawed election system, which can be so easily manipulated.  Someday soon, when we have hand counted paper ballots and fully audited elections, we’ll not see many people like her, Rick Scott of Florida, or Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

  • Anonymous

    Delusions of grandeur is an understatement.

    Bitter, mean people who think the politics of contempt and denunciation is statesoneship.  Who think “virulent power over” is what politics should be.

    Brewer is pathetic.

  • Anonymous

    Delusions of grandeur is an understatement.

    Bitter, mean people who think the politics of contempt and denunciation is statesoneship.  Who think “virulent power over” is what politics should be.

    Brewer is pathetic.

  • the truth

    Sorry, who are you again? Oh yeah, you’re the nobody who “needs to sell more books”…

  • DCarver

    It is a shame she did not learn how to work respectfully with others like Gabby Giffords.