• Kenny

    The Dream Act needs to be changed so that it doesn’t allow illegals to benefit. It needs to be changed so that struggling U.S citizens do benefit. Crossing our border illegally is a criminal act. I don’t care who you are. Go through the proper channels or be penalized. That’s the law and it’s infallible. And I’m a damn democrat.

    • getaclue

      What changes do you propose?  Cite specific examples as to how the Dream Act would harm current US citizens.  I don’t care who you are and what your political affiliates are either, but please support your positions intelligently with concrete examples, rather than with empty incoherent, unintelligible emotion.  Furthermore, if you are so anti-illegal then perhaps the descendants of Europeans should cede this land back to the Native Americans, from whom this land was stolen *illegally.* 

    • KayWhitlock

      The law is infallible?  Um…no.
      Immigration law is highly politicized and implemented in ways that reinforce structural racism. 
      I’m for the DREAM Act.  And, by the way, I think undocumented people are human beings, not “illegals.” 

  • Domino14

    only enlisting in the military?? wtf??