The blackwoman even without the strum and drunk of television news is acutely aware of the assaults against women’s health. To be clear it is specifically about white women. And contraception. It boils down, once again to math. White women need to have more babies. There I said it.
White women are not having enough babies to prevent white people from becoming minority people.
That is the primary reason for this recent round of assaults about birth control. White men have done the math. They see that they will soon be behind brown and beside black. They do not like this. They do not like this at all.
The election of President Obama was important on so many levels but none more important than the math.
I keep talking about the math. Why? Because becoming clear about this single aspect requires a different focus. We must shift our focus and begin in earnest to shape the future in our minds. What does a future with possibilities look like?
As a blackwoman who has lived long enough to see my people from the back of the bus to the helm of the ship of state. From none to Air Force One. I was part of the Struggle. My one lament was that during the Struggle we as a people did not arm ourselves with a clear picture of what our future would look like once we were treated in law as equal citizens.
Nowhere is this failure more evident than in the treatment of our President. Some treat the President of the United States of America like a nigger. All the black folk and most of the white folk I know see it clearly. We live it. Daily. Still. Daily.
I am of the conviction that O .D.S or Obama Derangement Syndrome could just as easily be called W.T.F. Until you do the math. Perception change.
The majority of white folks did not agree to have Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States of America. Repeat this sentence. Out loud. Allow it to sink in.
The importance of the simple math is driving the conversation. It has not been an honest conversation. It cannot become an honest conversation until we talk about why women’s reproductive rights are being challenged.
The conversation ought to turn to the rationale. Why now decades past birth control for women, are we talking about birth control? Who is this aimed toward? Not black women. Nor brown women. Leaves one option. White women. Why? It won’t be long before someone other than Pat Buchanan finds a way of saying why straight up. Then we can get to the real.
The real is race. Racism.
The real is ugly. Leans hard against The Lie. You know, The Lie about the inferiority of people of color. Every day that he serves as POTUS gives face to The Lie. He stands tall and has the respect of the world. He represents a new America. An America led by intelligence and grace. He embodies the American Dream in way that leaves them speechless about his private life. He is a baby whisperer. He is the active husband. Has anybody noticed how his eyes follow his wife’s behind whenever she walks past him? No room to attack on the home front.
I do not remember a Presidency with a happy First Family. Maybe LBJ. Can’t think of another. I’m thinking this may be to his advantage. Allows him to relax. And work harder. At the same time.
His leadership on the world stage has been unhampered by the Opposition Oppression Party Stooges ( O.O.P.S). And a resounding success. It took Obama to get Osama. No room for attack there.
Iran will back away from the cliff. They are smart enough not to press too hard and scare Americans enough to hire a warmonger to replace an intelligent and gracious leader. Americans have shown a willingness to be led by thieves, crook and liars. The leaders of the world want no part of American fascination with fools. Fiddling with Carter and handing the election to Reagan was a mistake I doubt will be repeated.
He can take credit for the progress of the economy. He saved the automobile industry. He got the first health care bill passed for the citizens of this country.
They needed him to fail. Then it could be said he wasn’t smart enough. You know, The Lie. The Lie that justified the enslavement of black people. Still justifies the imprisonment of black men and women in numbers that ought to give pause about the judiciary. They lied when they claimed we were inferior beings. The Lie.
The truth is hard to take for some folk. They cling to The Lie. The truth burns through and exposes fear. Fueled by ignorance. Fanned with pseudo-religion, is a fire meant to destroy the truth rather than yield the stranglehold of privilege. White Privilege has at its foundation The Lie.
Now they cannot openly state the real reason they want to prevent birth control. It’s about the math. And The Lie.
Now run and tell that.