There is no question Romney is off the rails. He is visibly shaken by the allegation that he hasn’t paid income taxes for an entire decade. The empty-suited man looks downright unstable, agitated, and angry. How dare the megalomaniac be questioned and held accountable! The irony lost on him, he tells Reid like a tough-boy on the Hannity show, of all places, to “put up or shut up.” And now today he is doubling-down, a clear thou-doth-protest-too-much red flag.
In a carefully worded rejoinder, Romney claims he paid taxes: “I have paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes.” A lot of taxes. Yeah, like property taxes and retail taxes. What about income taxes, R-money?
This man of entitlement has a history of lying about his taxes:
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Romney has no plan for America other than to make himself and his rich cronies richer at the expense of your hard work and labor — that is the republican platform. Well, that, and white supremacy and the subjugation of brown and black folk. A new Republican superPac,, was founded by Stephen Marks, a professional GOP operative, to fight the supposed oppression of white males by the President. You just can’t make this shit up. They want to regulate women’s wombs. They wants gays to stop getting it on. They want the language of the land to be English only. They are the party of the deranged, devolved, and devoid of morality.
I’d tell you to get the popcorn as we watch Romney come undone in the next weeks, but this is serious shit, folks — this jackass could still win the presidency, notwithstanding what the polls say. Can you imagine this asshat as the president of this country? God help us all. We must doubledown our efforts to register people to vote, help our friends and relatives obtain the necessary voter ID for election day, and have an action plan for election day to GOTV.
In the meantime, I am fired up and ready to go.
Si se puede,