Mittens took great pains to keep his VP pick under wraps, even hiding the man out in the woods:
Ryan returned home in the early afternoon and went inside through the back as he was locked out of his side door, telling reporters who stood watching on the sidewalk he must have forgotten his keys. That would be the last time anyone saw the congressman in Janesville, because sometime after 3 p.m., he exited his home into the back yard (where reporters couldn’t see) and went into the woods.
“I grew up in those woods. The house I grew up in backs up to the house I live in, so I know those woods like the back of my hand. So it wasn’t too hard to walk through them. So I just went out my back door, went through the gully in the woods I grew up playing in. I walked past the tree that has my own tree fort I built back there,” Ryan said.
Escaping via the woods isn’t something new for Ryan, either. It is a tactic the congressman has been forced to use before due to protesters in front of his house. Ryan is used to cutting through the bushes.
Ryan might be used to cutting through the bushes, but I’m pretty good at cutting through the bullshit. It’s obvious Mittens wanted to minimize media coverage of his VP pick — hence his announcement on late Friday/early Saturday. In fact, Mittens wishes he and his VP pick could both hide in the forest, as he announced yesterday that he wouldn’t be stopping in Florida as planned because he was “too tired.” Yes, too tired. And this man wants to run the country? Hell, even old-timer John McCain, war veteran, didn’t get too tired to talk to voters. Yes, Romney did flip-flop and say he wasn’t “exhausted” and plans to visit Florida, but won’t stop in Orlando. Hmmmm, what could possibly keep our bully-rich boy from going to Orlando?
Sounds like our tax evader bully-boy Mittens is hiding with his tail between his legs, doing everything to avoid key voters in a certain older demographic — you know, since bully-rich-boy wants to eliminate Medicare and Social Security and wants you to subsidize his wealth by paying thousands of dollars in more taxes while he pays virtually nothing.
And did you know that Romney vetted Ryan by looking at years of taxes, yet Romney still refuses to release his own taxes to the American public.
Some in the mainstream media are having some kind of fake orgasm over the Ryan pick because they need something other than Romney to spice this horse race up. Ryan isn’t even bringing in crowds or enthusiasm like Palin. You and I both know that Mittens couldn’t have picked anyone better to epitomize the stark differences between the Republican and Democratic parties:
It seems hard to imagine a running mate who would jibe better with the Democrats’ Bain Capital attacks than a well-born Ayn Rand acolyte. More crucially, it is hard to imagine a running mate who will draw more attention to the matter of Romney’s taxes than Paul Ryan. Why? Because under the “Ryan plan” that made the congressman famous, Mitt Romney would pay zero taxes.
Don’t believe it? Romney himself said so, just a few months ago. The Ryan plan — formally, the “Roadmap for America’s Future” — “promotes saving by eliminating taxes on interest, capital gains, and dividends; also eliminates the death tax.”
The Republicans stand for nothing else other than the rich getting richer on the backs of the poor and middle class. Under Ryan’s plan, Romney said in his own words: “Under [Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan], I’d have paid no taxes in the last two years,” Romney said, alluding to the fact that all his income is from investments.
As for Ryan being a “deficit hawk,” let’s recall the facts: Paul Ryan voted for a slew of Republican-sponsored legislation during the Bush administration that added trillions of dollars to the national debt.
The Nation cuts through Ryan’s bullshit:
Like Romney, Ryan is a son of privilege who has little real-world experience or understanding. He presents well on Sunday morning talk shows and in the rarified confines of Washington think tanks and dinners with his constituents—the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street—but his record in Congress and the policies he now promotes are political albatrosses.
This year, Ryan is being called out by an able challenger with actual experience in the private sector, as well as local government. Rob Zerban, the congressman’s Democratic challenger, is not fooled by Ryan’s budgetary blathering.
Zerban is familiar with Ryan’s record. And he has been calling the budget committee chairman out on his “faux fiscal credentials.”
”Congressman Paul Ryan can grandstand about the debt all he wants, but at the end of the day, Ryan is a root cause of many of the financial issues our country faces today,” says Zerban.” From supporting two unfunded wars, to dumping millions of senior citizens into the Medicare Part D ‘donut hole’ while tying the hands of the government to negotiate prescription drug prices, and from fighting for subsidies for Big Oil that his family personally benefits from, to supporting the unfunded Bush tax cuts for his wealthiest campaign contributors, Paul Ryan’s hypocrisy is astounding.”
Of course, Mittens wants to “distance” himself from Ryan, but no can do, when you keep endorsing the man’s proposals:
And let’s be clear that Catholic groups do not support the Romney and Ryan Budget Plan:
– Catholic nuns, priests, and friars have called the Ryan budget “immoral,” a “severe failure,” and the “height of hypocrisy.” Sister Simone Campbell led a 17-city “Nuns on the Bus” tour this summer to visit faith-based social service programs that would be hurt by cuts proposed in the Ryan budget. Last week her organization, NETWORK, and the Franciscan Action Network invited Mitt Romney to spend a day with them visiting the poor in order to meet the people who’d be affected by their budget cuts. NETWORK issued a statement after the Ryan-VP announcement saying, “We agree with Catholic Bishops that Paul Ryan’s budget fails the test of Catholic Social Teaching since it deliberately harms people at the economic margins.”
– Catholic bishops have called the Ryan budget “unjustified and wrong” and failing a moral test. In April the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a public letter to the House of Representatives saying that the federal budget must “protect poor, vulnerable people.”
Meanwhile, Romney will continue to sound the racist dog whistles, all the while hiding with his tail (and Ryan’s) between his pasty-white metrosexual legs.
You really want this tone-deaf, morally bankrupt jackass to be President?
We simply cannot allow these extremists to buy the White House or suppress the Democratic vote.
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ARE YOU AN ATTORNEY? YOU can help NOW to Protect The Vote in November! 1) Travel to Pennsylvania on the weekend. The campaign regularly organizes weekend bus trips to do voter registration and education voters about the new ID law. The next bus trip is Saturday, August 18th, leaving at 9AM from locations around the state and returning by 8PM. E-mail us at to reserve your spot. 2) Host An Outreach Meeting to lawyers in your network (this could be at your firm). We will send a representative to speak about the important ways lawyers can get involved this year in making sure the right to vote is freely exercised. E-mail for more details. 3) Help Us Recruit Other Lawyers Directly. We hold weekly lawyer recruitment phone banks from campaign headquarters in Manhattan, Wednesday evenings from 6-9PM. E-mail us at 4) Contribute to the Cause. |
LAWYERS FOR OBAMA BREAKFAST Joined by Lauren Vidas, OFA Pennsylvania Voter Protection Coordinator for an update on the campaign and how you can be involved. Wednesday, August 15 at 8:30AM |