This waste of skin did not even bother to ask the contenders about reproductive rights, the Supreme Court, mortgage foreclosures, or student loans.
“Soft on Wall Street, Tough on Sesame Street” Romney was visibly agitated, un-presidential, and infantile in his demeanor — to say nothing of his incessant barrage of lies throughout the entire debate.
While Obama could’ve hammered home a lot more facts, Obama had the money quote:
OBAMA: “Is Romney keeping the details of his plans a secret because they’re too good? Because they help middle class families TOO MUCH?” |
Romney, on the other hand, expressed his wish, in no uncertain terms, that he get a tax break for outsourcing jobs overseas:
ROMNEY: “The second topic, which is you said you get a deduction for getting a plant overseas. Look, I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I maybe need to get a new accountant.” |
Jim Lehrer did a disservice to the nation last night. And he should be deeply ashamed of his performance given his complete abdication of responsibility. As for the MSM, MSNBC included, you should spend less time wishing Obama would go full jujitsu on Romney. While that would be entertaining, your job as journalists is to report the facts and debunk the blatant lies told during the course of the debate. You, too, should be deeply ashamed of your hysterical performance. Get a grip, people. Yeah, that means you too Ed Schultz — you were foaming at the mouth last night. You lost some respect on the night of Oct. 3. There’s still time to redeem yourselves and your journalistic integrity.
Remember — Joe Biden and Paul Ryan debate on Oct. 11. Obama and Romney meet again on Oct. 16 in a town meeting format, then a final time on Oct. 22, from Boca Raton in Florida, to talk foreign policy.
From The Nation:
[B]eyond the utter boredom and bewilderment that tonight’s debate format and moderation caused, there are real costs. Not necessarily to the candidates–the media has called the debate for Romney, but I don’t think it will move the needle enough for Romney to win—but to democracy.
True, tonight’s format hurt Obama most, but that was aggravated by his own curious choices: to not call out Romney more forcefully on his dissembling about jobs, the deficit, healthcare and education. Where was the vigorous assault on Romney’s disdain for the 47 percent? Or Bain capitalism? Or the go-for-broke indictment of GOP obstructionism and Paul Ryan’s blueprint? Aside from the opening litigation on Romney’s tax plan–where was the lawyer in the White House? The format seemed to encourage Obama to maintain his likeability, while moving rather aggressively to agree with Romney whenever he could.
And where were the questions about reproductive rights, gay rights, pay equity, immigration, climate change, poverty or schools. We didn’t get to them—because Jim Lehrer got pwned! or was just plain disinterested.
