“Resistance is Futile” BS: The Republican Romney/Ryan Feint
By Kay Whitlock
Feint: A feigned attack designed to draw defensive action away from an intended target.
2. A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one’s real purpose. See Synonyms at wile.
v. feint•ed, feint•ing, feints
To make a feint.
1. To deceive with a feint.
2. To make a deceptive show of.
In the coming days, we will all experience a barrage, a tsunami, an avalanche of Republican firepower and narrative intended to demoralize and discourage us. And to give the impression that Romney somehow now has momentum that can’t be stopped.
Kind of like being confronted by The Borg from the Star Trek Next Generation and Voyager series.
For those of you not familiar with The Borg: that’s a collective noun referring to a group of species morphed into cybernetic beings all connected by a “hive mind.” The Borg assimilates others by force.
Here’s a typical Borg pronouncement:
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships.
Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Don’t get rattled. Easy to say, I know.
Especially when you’re seeing/hearing reports, polls, blog headlines that seem to be promoting a purported post-debate onslaught of Republican invincibility. Some of it’s coming from the Republican Party or its surrogates (including the NRA, which just endorsed not only Romney, but Todd Akin and Rove’s Crossroads super PAC). Some of it’s being mindlessly repeated, but not analyzed, by the mainstream media.
And some of it’s being promoted – again, with little or no real analysis – by panic-stricken media pundits and bloggers CMP earlier characterized as sunshine patriots and fair-weather White Guys.
Walk away from the blogs for a bit. Turn off that TV. Go to Twitter and add Jeff Gauvin @ JeffersonObama and Keith Boykin @keithboykin, to the list of folks you’re following. Go sit with friends and laugh about something. Take a deep breath, and then remind yourself of these things:
- Later this week, CMP’s Nancy Heitzeg will help you read the entrails of polls, and they’re not nearly as straightforward as you might like to think. ( for some immediate perspective, see TPV or 538 right now)
- The media likes sensationalism and a horse race. A steady lead by President Obama doesn’t fuel a sensational narrative that sells more ads and creates more page clicks.
- Both President Obama and former Gov. Mitt Romney come with years of history, political and otherwise. One has a history of steady progress, despite a Republican congress that, for all of less than 5 months of the Obama presidency, has tried to thwart him at every chance. The other has a long history of lies, deception, and ruthless business practices. One event – the media would like us to think it was the first debate – does not turn the race on its head so suddenly.
- In a post-Citizens United political circus atmosphere, the Right has more money than God to throw around to create a counter-impression of reality.
- But voters aren’t shifting in the huge swaths that some suggest. Publish information that can’t ultimately hold up, but create an immediate headline. Harder to get out accurate information.
So: keep calm and carry on.
Above all, volunteer to help GOTV.