Fired Up and Ready to VOTE
From the Election Protection TeamToday is Election Day! This is the last chance to make sure eligible voters are prepared to participate in our democracy. Spread the word – On Tuesday, keep 1-866-OUR-VOTE saved in your phone and make sure the Election Protection Smartphone App (for Android or listed as “ElectProtect” in iTunes) is installed and working properly on your phone. Make sure your 10 friends whom you’ve shared the app with are all set too, and have the hotline number ready on speed dial. Have questions or problems voting? Call the hotline. Organize – We’ll be updating our website and social media platforms with news throughout Election Day. Be sure to follow @866OurVote on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and check the Latest News section of our site to stay up to date on the most crucial information affecting voters. Put your online organizing skills to work by retweeting, “liking”, and sharing our posts on social media—we’ll be sure to do the same. Thousands of volunteers are ready in our call centers and at polling places to protect the vote. If you need to report any issues on Election Day or need information about voting, please call us at 1-866-OUR-VOTE. You can also report issues to us via twitter using the hashtag “#OVLReport. Happy Voting! Marcia Johnson-Blanco and Eric Marshall |
