• Domino14

    ”You Live Life Deliberately”
    Yes that is you and thankyou for this and every other important piece you post here…  and everyone else at CMP – you are all amazing.

    • @Domino14 thank you Domino!
      almost 2013 — so Happy New Year1 and yes! 4 more years of Barack Obama :)

  • rubyr

    Nancy, thank you for the beautiful introduction to this piece. 
    In my life, the people that I am exposed to who live most deliberately are right here in Critical Mass Progress: Nancy Heitzeg, Kay Whitlock, Seeta and those who visit here. 
    I always learn so much from all of you and I am in awe of each of you. You all are true 
    warrior women in the most peaceful way. 
    Thank you, 

    • @rubyr So great to see you Ruby!
      and thank you  — i am going to steal this -‘warrior women in the most peaceful way” :)
      Here is to a wonderful 2013!

  • KayWhitlock

    Nancy, thank you.
    And thank you, Mumia, for this:
    “This system’s greatest fear has been that folks like you, young people, people who’ve begun to critically examine the world around them (some perhaps for the first time), people who have yet to have the spark of life snuffed out, will do just that — learn from those lives, be inspired, and then live lives in opposition to the deadening status quo.”
    To a New Year filled with joy, justice, hope, love, and relentless persistence.

    • @KayWhitlock Hey Kay — yes that is the quote..
      Thanks for all your own relentless persistence — here and everywhere!

  • prisonculture

    @naheitzeg @angola3news @solitarywatch @LVikkiml Thank you so much Nancy and thank you for living the same way!

    • LVikkiml

      @prisonculture @naheitzeg @angola3news @solitarywatch Awww…thank YOU to all of you. Hope 2013 brings us closer to a world without cages.

  • Thank you for reposting this. May 2013 bring us all love, joy and justice and move us closer to a world without cages.

  • here is to better Math in 2013