Zimmerman Case Goes to Jury
“That child had every right to be where he was,” Mr. Guy said. “That child had every right to do what he was doing, walking home. That child had every right to be afraid of a strange man following him, first in his car and then on foot. And did that child not have the right to defend himself from that strange man?”
Don’t misunderstand me. Your verdict is not going to bring Trayvon Benjamin Martin back to life. Your verdict is not going to change the past, but it will forever define it.
So what is that? What is that when a grown man, frustrated, angry with hate in his heart gets out of his car with a loaded gun and follows a child, a stranger, in the dark and shoots him through his heart? What is that? Is that nothing? That’s not anything? Is that where we are? That’s nothing?
That’s not his call and that’s not my call. That’s your call. I submit to you the oath you took requires it, Trayvon Martin is entitled to it and that defendant deserves it.
Jury Instructions: