Despite the heat, a teen at Trayvon Martin rally asks if he looks dangerous. #wbz
— Mark Katic (@MarkKWBZ) July 20, 2013

From ThinkProgress:
On Saturday, 100 cities held rallies organized by the National Action Network for Trayvon Martin, where large crowds demanded a federal civil rights investigation into the fatal shooting of the unarmed teen. “Trayvon could have been anyone’s child,” Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, said at a rally in Miami. “That’s the message that’s being sent to the world.” Celebrities, lawmakers, and religious leaders also joined the rallies on Saturday, which follow a series of largely peaceful protests since George Zimmerman’s verdict.
One day after President Obama delivered a surprise speech on race, protesters made their own statements against racism and profiling in America.
See more photos here.