If there’s any debate left over whether a government shutdown is bad news for Republicans, listen to the guys stepping into tough races.
Presidential hopefuls and Republicans in close 2014 races are singing a very different tune than many of their colleagues – if they’re singing anything at all.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky pleaded for a short term deal Saturday.
Sen. Marco Rubio has dodged.
And Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell — the only Republican who voted against John Boehner’s first stop-gap spending bill – is pleading with his colleagues to cave and reopen the government. “Republicans had fought the good fight,” he said in a statement. But it’s time.
Many Republicans know what a shutdown can do to election prospects, considering that the last time the government closed under a Republican-controlled Congress in 1996, Newt Gingrich saw his army shrink by nine soldiers.
Now many strategists are privately beginning to fear that the long odds faced by Democrats in the House in 2014 are getting a lot shorter.
Multi-Industry Coalition Letter Regarding the Continuing Resolution and Debt Limit