“Politics is not about power. Politics is not about money. Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning. Politics is about the improvement of people’s lives.”
~ Senator Paul Wellstone ((July 21, 1944 – October 25, 2002)
In era where government is so vilified, we at Critical Mass Progress would like to consider Government for Good. Collective governance – past present and future – can work to defend/secure rights, distribute social and economic goods, provide legal recognition, jobs, healthcare and more., create opportunities via public schools, public works, and public policy that centers everyday people.
In this recurring feature,, we will highlight the many ways that government has worked for the common good. It is a call too to imagine what more can be done – locally, at the state level, and nationally to reclaim the idea — the reality too – that government can work to “improve people’s lives.”
Perhaps there is no better recent role model here than the late Senator Paul Wellstone, who died along with his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia and five others, in that fateful plane crash 11 years ago today. His legacy and his words speak for themselves, and remind us, always, of what government for good can do. Please check the links below for more.
The Conscience of the Senate .
Thank you Paul, this one’s for you.
Wellstone’s Revenge: How Minnesota Democrats Took Their State Back
MPR, Memorials Keep Paul Wellstone’s Memory Alive
Al Franken, Paul Wellstone’s Legacy, 10 Years Later
Wellstone Action
