• KayWhitlock

    Seeta nancy a heitzeg Amen, amen, amen.  Movement building will be everything.  And the candidates we like who did win tended to go big, not try to parse safe passage.  A lesson there.  Bold, big imagination beyond anything we have heretofore conjured up will help us in the days ahead.

  • KayWhitlock

    Seeta KayWhitlock nancy a heitzeg In movement struggles, it makes a world of difference to have colleagues/comrades/friends who are intrepid and willing to stand in great storms.  Thank you, Seeta.  You truly are the best.

  • Seeta nancy a heitzeg co-sign the rant Seeta — yes

  • KayWhitlock nancy a heitzeg Cheers and gratitude to you and Nancy for creating and building this series.  And for educating us to think about the PIC in different and new ways.

  • nancy a heitzeg Thank you Nancy and Kay for being so fierce and committed to these issues. Day by day we fight to achieve the interlinked goals of CMP and CI.  I am so grateful to you and Nancy for bringing these intersectional issues to light.  And what an honor to have a presence and reach on Truthout.

    On a related but not despondent note, last night’s election results were not a surprise.  And while it’s not all about elections, we need to look for alternatives within and outside the Democratic party.   Candidates distancing themselves from Obama made no sense.  Not selling the achievements of the last 6 years is mind boggling.  Stand for something or stand for nothing.  End rant.

  • KayWhitlock

    nancy a heitzeg Resounding cheers to Seeta Persaud and Critical Mass Progress!  I’m here for the long haul.

  • KayWhitlock

    Hope to see you here, at CI, AND at Truthout!

  • so much grattitude to you Seeta and Kay and to Truthout!
