Leonard Peltier has been in prison for decades for a crime he never committed. You can learn more about Leonard Peltier here, by watching the video below, and by reading the note from Ben Carnes below.
The following is a note from Ben Carnes. Read it to find out what you can do to help.
They still don’t want to admit to the world that this isn’t the best and the fairest and most equal justice system. And that they are guilty of railroading people into jail. They don’t want to, or never will, admit these things. – Leonard Peltier |
Leonard Peltier: Why Florida?by Ben Carnes Yesterday, I was speaking with a relative of Leonards and they asked where I thought they would send him. I thought of all the maximum security prisons he has been to: Marion, Lompoc, Springfield, Leavenworth, Terre Haute, Lewisburg, and Canaan. I hoped he would not go to Atlanta, but maybe someplace where he would be closer to family, or at least the Mayo clinic. This morning, we all found out he was thrown into an out of the way place, Coleman USP 1 in Florida. Coleman is a Federal Correctional Complex with two high security prisons (I & II) for male prisoners, a medium security prison for males, with a minimum security camp for females and a low security camp for males. One of the things Coleman is known for is the conviction of a female prison guard, Erin Sharma, who set up the brutal murder in 2005 of an inmate who grabbed her arm. She was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2010, Sharma’s supervisor, Michael Kennedy, who was complicit in this murder, was convicted and sentenced to nine years. I don’t presume to know why he was transferred here, I can only speculate. In some state systems, the warden has an option of refusing to accept an inmate to be assigned to their facility for reasons usually based upon security and/or the orderly operation of the facility. Years ago, the federal system operated in the same manner. Another factor is the BOP would like to upset organizing efforts. A support base was building around him at Lewisburg, so by being assigned to an out of the way place, they may be hoping support will decrease. However, that would be unrealistic to their way of thinking. If anything, support may increase there in Florida and other parts of the SE region. A few years ago, his security level was at the bottom of the scale for medium. If he had one point less, he would have been classified as medium low. In order to keep someone above their security classification, it would require an administrative over-ride. With the recent disciplinary reports, I don’t know where his points fall, but the facts of the infraction falls into the long list of fabrications made against LP. The following is from a friends note of a message she recieved from Peltier’s attorney, Mike Kuzma and her own request for essays for future publication. Efforts should continue to transfer him as requested below, and for any inquireies about how to help or what to do, please direct them to LPDOC! Feel free to share to share this note, especially with friends in Florida and surrounding states! Ben www.whoisleonardpeltier.info (only official website) NEW INFO: LEONARD NOW IN HIGH SECURITY PRISON,
(h/t: Nancy A. Heitzeg)