From ThinkProgress: House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) announced Friday that after next week, the House will stand in recess until November 13. His plan for a nearly two month vacation will undoubtedly allow more time for campaigning, but will leave several vital bills awaiting action. Among the important legislation…
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From ThinkProgress: On September 8, 2011, President Obama laid out a series of policy proposals known collectively as the American Jobs Act. The plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate infrastructure investments, tax credits for working Americans and employers to encourage consumer spending and job growth, and efforts…
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“We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.” Neil Newhouse, Romney Pollster Charles Blow: let’s talk about the lies. The Romney campaign is continuing to push the false notion that Obama has moved to eliminate the work requirement for welfare. Earlier this month, the Washington Post fact…
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Mitt Romney has officially secured the GOP nomination and the starts day one of the their three-day hate fest. They’ve even got a debt clock to remind folks of the Bush tax cuts and two unpaid Bush wars. All photos courtesy of Restore Sanity and Take Back America. (5)
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Ohio: ThinkProgress: In a dramatic move, Ohio Secretary of State John Husted immediately suspended two Democrats on a county election board after they voted to allow weekend voting. Earlier, Husted issued a directive canceling weekend voting statewide. In 2008, Ohio offered early voting on the weekends and thousands of voters…
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Brilliant move by the Obama campaign: President Obama’s team is offering Mitt Romney a deal on taxes: Publicly release five years of returns, and the Obama campaign will drop its insistence for additional tax information.[TPM] Romney-Ryan responded with a diatribe of falsehoods: It is clear that President Obama wants nothing…
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From USAToday: They could turn a too-close-to-call race into a landslide for President Obama— but by definition they probably won’t. Call them the unlikely voters. A nationwide USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll of people who are eligible to vote but aren’t likely to do so finds that these stay-at-home Americans back…
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Guardian UK: A death row prisoner who has been medically diagnosed as “mentally retarded” and therefore exempt from execution is set to die on Tuesday in Texas, a state that rejects scientific consensus and instead applies its own definition of learning difficulties based on a character in a John Steinbeck…
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