Remembering Laika, Space Dog and Soviet Hero On the evening of November 3, 1957, barely a month after the Soviet Union sent humanity’s first artificial satellite into orbit, a rocket lifted off from a secret site in Kazakhstan, carrying its second. The launch of Sputnik 2 was timed to coincide…
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Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are three ways in which it is making the consequences worse. First, although the…
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How a tulip teaches us resilience and other big life lessons from Mother Nature Jane Goodall on resilience of nature and the indomitable human spirit Imagination: “I would describe it as ‘ripe for invasion’” – Resilience Floating Rafts of Fire Ants “As water levels in a flood rise, the ants…
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