
SistahSpeak…Hope Floats

This week the blackwoman re-watched the HBO documentary about the election of Barack Obama. So glad I did. God bless PVR’s or DVR’s or whatever you call them. It was good to relive an exciting time and in ways that I find surprising, still be moved by a moment when…


I know for many DWB stands for Driving While Black. Today for the purposes of this blog DWB stands for Dating While Black. For many DWB is a pretty serious matter. It can be a mess out there. For real. Hit it and quit it. Hit and run Same difference.…

SistahSpeak…The Company We Keep

I don’t remember a time when ‘misery loves company’ was not a part of the conversation. Sometimes a reference to the perils of hanging out with negative people. Except we didn’t call them negative during those times. They were just miserable folk who wanted you to be miserable too. Ye…